After a moment of calming down from your comment I decided to point out A. I was in a situation people are constantly in and was likely drugged and B, rapists are good at sniffing out vulnerable people. Like damaged people who have been abused. They target them. THAT may be why certain people are serial raped. I have fought off a rape before but no, being raped as a kid doesnt mean if you get raped again you were somehow wanting it or just bad at avoiding it. I just happened to meet a rapist. Please really dig deep and think about things you are throwing around when there's a sensitive topic. Adding "no offense" to a shitty comment about how women who are serial raped have a "need" to be raped doesn't make it not shitty. I hope I added some insight that you will take in.
That is actually a response...
not going to validate your shitty comments with a response that is relevant to your shitty comments* :)
After a moment of calming down from your comment I decided to point out A. I was in a situation people are constantly in and was likely drugged and B, rapists are good at sniffing out vulnerable people. Like damaged people who have been abused. They target them. THAT may be why certain people are serial raped. I have fought off a rape before but no, being raped as a kid doesnt mean if you get raped again you were somehow wanting it or just bad at avoiding it. I just happened to meet a rapist. Please really dig deep and think about things you are throwing around when there's a sensitive topic. Adding "no offense" to a shitty comment about how women who are serial raped have a "need" to be raped doesn't make it not shitty. I hope I added some insight that you will take in.