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RE: Amazon Kindle ..My reading companion!!

in #reading7 years ago

Well, my currently in production book has some black and white illustrations, so I'll see how the KDP version comes out when I upload it (hopefully in a week or two). I'm having a great deal of trouble even with the print version; the CreateSpace software keeps on messing up the formatting!

The currently available book is here:

Or paperback version:

I used a somewhat unusual font that, instead of letters, makes little animal silhouettes, and while they printed perfectly nicely, in the Kindle version they just made ugly smears, so I had to remove them.

Thanks for the interest. :-)


Yes, formatting requires lots of patience, perseverance, and plenty of coffee.

I will give your book a look and offer feedback next week. I love the cover, and the topic reminds me of a book I read recently, so I know your book will keep my attention.

Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the kind feedback. Do note, mind you, that my book is a children's book that might not quite hold an adult's attention. :-)

Considering I wrote one; and happen to still enjoy reading Dr. Seuss, you might be surprised ;+)!

It's a new week. It's on my to-do list. From what I've read in the opening, it looks well formulated.


I am also a fan of children's books, and read a lot of them, partly simply because it is a good idea to read in the genre that you write in, but partly also because I genuinely enjoy them, and a well written kid's book is every bit as good as any aimed at adults. Thanks for the support!