We are starting Week 2 of the
Redfish Rally Monthly Delegation Contest for September 2019.
We wanted to take a moment and update you on where our
four contestants are at this point in the race!
The four contestants,
@kharma.scribbles, @bhattg, @afoolzluck, and @emberskydragon,
are expected to post and comment as they normally would.
If you have a few moments,
maybe check them out, help to encourage them,
and comment on their posts.
Here is where the contestants rank as of Sunday, September 8, 2019:
You are all four doing great! Keep up the great work!
A reputation of 53 or lower.*
Six months or lower in account age.*
Less than 100 SP.
No history of blacklist or plagiarism.
*This is looked at on a case by case basis.
Each month is a first-of-month to last-of-month time period.
Registering will take place the time prior to the First of each month.
We will be basing our calculations on the change in the Raw Reputation (found in the steemd website) x the change in number of posts. This will give us the Redfish Rally Reputation which will be what we base the winning decisions to be.
Upvote suggested but not required.
Resteem not required, but appreciated
So what are you waiting for? Sign up today to participate in next month's contest! The only thing you have to do is let us know either in the comments below or in the Steem Terminal (just click the banner below), then just start posting and commenting! That's all YOU need to do!
This would enable us to connect and engage with even more new Steemian accounts. If so, please contact @xcountytravelers Steem Terminal#7157 in the Steem Terminal (a discord server) or down below in the comments. We appreciate your interest in helping us help others.
Click the banner to go to our Discord Server!
Can reputation of 56 still apply?
Posted using Partiko Android
I appreciate you asking, but you also have a natural 210.943 SP so you wouldn't be able to participate. It is 100 SP or less, 53 or less reputation. Thank you so much for inquiring though. We really do appreciate it.
Keep in mind that you may not fit the requirements of this contest, but starting October 1 the @steem-aide will begin helping Redfish/Plankton with a subscription upvote service (manual upvoting). Please keep your eyes open for the post from @steem-aide explaining more about this.
Thanks buddy
Posted using Partiko Android
Wow I didn't even think that I would have the pleasure of being in the such a race! Well I'll do my best!
Posted using Partiko Android
You are doing good. There are three more weeks so keep posting and commenting on other people's posts.
Thanks a lot for taking me 3rd time in this contest.
You are welcome, keep posting and commenting!
I've recently joined Steem Terminal and everyone's so helpful. Thank you all! ^_^
You are most welcome. We love having such a wonderful group of people in the Steem Terminal!
Well, at least I am doing better here than I did in last week's engagement contest!
Woohoo I'm competing against @afoolzluck! Awesome!
There is time, just keep up with that posting and engaging. That is what makes the difference. It will help you grow in SP and meeting people.
Thank you!