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RE: About reincarnation / Personal opinions.

in #reincarnation7 years ago (edited)

To call others "Fools" is a harsh judgement. I have come to believe that each of us experiences different versions and variations of spirituality depending on our personal belief system and cultural influences. I have never been hypnotised or been subjected to past life regression and have not been manipulated by the dark. That said the dark does exist! The spirits I communicate with are loving, bright and pure and offer love, guidance and protection. They were all, once, in physical form and existed on our plane and some have the choice to reincarnate if they so desire at a future date. Some of what you write concurs with my own understanding some of it leaves me cold. The dead are not dead and as energy are fully conscious. With love xox


I do not try to be negative just for the sake of being negative, but there is a spiritual war ongoing and we humans are mearly the battlefield. Once upon a time in history there were a rebellion and the rebelious angels/spirits ware cast down to earth and here they spread deception and lies.

The problem is that one of the most common technic they use is to totally turn things upside/down. The true becomes false and the good turns to evil. That is what is so dangerous in listening to spirits

This verse from the Bible describes the condition in the world

Revalations 18:2
"And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird."

I do not do this with purpose of hurting anyone, but if anyone of you find any logical thinking out of my post I do encourige you to further search for the truth.

If you do not belive me, ask yourself. Do you have feeling of hatred when you read my posts? I love you and the only reason i give you this attention is that I want you to be saved

I respect your beliefs although they, on balance, have no resonance with me. I am not religious and follow no doctrine. I concur there is an ongoing hidden war between light and dark in our world where the elite are eager to enslave the common man for profit and gain. That is why initatives such as the blockchain are so very important - to decentralize control and facilitate the liberation of the individual. I wish you well xox