Have you ever tried to convince yourself that you are okay with the way you are when you are not? Well, I guess that is what am about to do now hehehehe...
Most people actually think not being in a relationship means you are missing out on lots of things....well, I can not answer that because for some being single is a choice, while for others it just turned out that way...so the answers might vary.
Now my favorite things about being single...
You can do whatever you want on your time ~
Being single allows you the time to do whatever you want to do without anyone trying to stop you or impose their opinion on you.
No headache or heartache ~
Back when I was in a relationship and I would have a misunderstanding with my partner, it is used to be a headache. Most of the times we yell at each other, I cry, he walks out and we refuse to talk each other for days....then am left to start thinking and holding unto my pillow. Well with being single, I have no cause to get a headache over someone lol....simply put no "unnecessary argument".
No room for jealousy ~
I love this part hehehe because personally I am a jealous person...well not "very" lol....at least being single allows me the peace of mind from that.
You focus on building yourself without distractions ~
Being single helps you focus more on, building and improving yourself. During this period, you have the time to discover more about yourself, learn new things, explore all you can and basically have fun to the fullest.
You owe no one any explanation ~
You know how it goes with explaining "Where you are at the moment, why you didn't text or call back, who that person you went to the movie was" and so on....well you owe no one any of that when you are single lol.
Flirting is allowed!!!!
Hehehe....you can decide to flirt with any cute "someone" out there without feeling like you are cheating on "someone" in there.

So those are my favorite things about being single...well the ones I can remember for now lol. Now that I am done with that...switching back to reality....
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The ability and right to be "Yourself", with "no apologies" - no having to make sure You have respect for someone else's standards.....
If course if this is going on,
"It Ain't Love" 🤔😉😁
You are totally right @lesmann, being yourself without apologies to anyone is one of the best things there is. Thank you for your comment. 😁
Posted using Partiko Android
Nice reflections.
Single mingling is fun.
Sharing Life with your best friend is pretty epic.
I like the sound of that...."single mingling" lol. Thank you for dropping by @worldclassplayer.😃
Posted using Partiko Android
😎 you betcha @bliss11 . Happy you like 😋
I think we don’t take enough time to learn about who we are, we spend our first years with our parents and them telling us what to do and then many just substitute thag for a partner and never actually bother to find out who they are and what they want or what they about and then blame everyone And anyone when they realize they are miserable
I couldn't agree more with you, this causes lots of misunderstanding and frustration when in relationship which we end up blaming our partner for. Most times, I feel all we just need is time for ourselves to be able to discover who we are....not because of "someone" but for the betterment of our own self. Which will in turn help us in the other phase of live or in relationships to come.
But at a point being single can be.....😏
Posted using Partiko Android
Lol it sure can be 😋😛😝 well if you know how to use it effectively and not sit around feeling sorry for yourself
Posted using Partiko Android
If you can't find the "right" someone, being single is definitely way better
Or the relationship is going to be way harder than necessary... :D
I feel the same too, finding the right person is one of the most important thing which if taken lightly might end up being worse...with lots of regrets. Thank you for sharing your thought @kaerpediem. 😃
Posted using Partiko Android
That first giff is just brilliant!
Haha! I find it interesting too. Thank you for dropping by. 😁
A lot of years ago I i would have agreed but now a tiny bit older i can say oh dear when you finds that one that give your hart a smile you forget the meaning of the word single hahahah
Do not really know what's my fa vourite is but I nerver been married so being single for me is like freedom, you do whatever you want and when you want but sometimes : Love is missing. It's also good being with someone who complete you ;)