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RE: Guest Author Series :: A Mental Illness That Actually Helps A Relationship? :: Celinka @binkyprod

in #relationships7 years ago

Thank you.

Yes, forgetfulness in regards to details or downright full days during the time of trauma is normal. I didn't always have the words to explain what was happening to me either. The knowledge is so empowering because it helps the healing.

There were moments I had lived that I had completely forgotten. Just the other day, something happened, my hair got caught, I felt it pull, and it triggered me. Then I remembered something I had completely forgotten, me literally pulling my hair out in response to something the abuser had done, at his apartment, and I had pulled so much hair out. My thought after the initial remembered thought was "I'd love to have that hair on my head right now considering I'm still shedding more than is normal." It's amazing how there are still things I remember now that my brain had cast aside.

What has helped me to bring forward memories I was ready and capable of dealing with, gently, without forcing the memory triggers, is EFT tapping therapy. Progress is really gradual and I wish I had started a lot sooner than I did, but it makes remembering and dealing with the emotions from the past trauma a lot more ... what's the word... less of a struggle and more of a relief.