Wow. An interesting topic here once again. The courting behavior described in here is surely correct. I happen to be currently dating a workmate of mine and I remember the first time he approached me I resisted him but deep inside me I badly wanted to date him. Just like you described I had to play hard to get because I knew if he is really interested in me he would keep on trying and finally may be after saying it a couple of times that he loves me and all, I was bound to say yes. Weeks passed and months also passed but after sometime, I realized I was wasting a lot of time and later accepted to date him and we are now a perfect couple. But the reason why us girls play hard to get is basically one. We believe saying yes the first time you are approached makes you a cheap girl and the man might think you say yes to everyone that approaches you. So it's better you first play hard to get till you feel it is now the right time to say yes. Trust me hard to get girls never go wrong in a relationship.
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Sadly this is the common thought.
But even girls who say yes immediately, always have the option to change their minds!