From a slave to a master, chapter # 9 - The Dualistic Structure of relationships, part I

in #relationships7 years ago

A Memoir

Excerpt: I have already written that on my path I used relationships as my compass. Some people use money or health but I wanted my relationships to serve me, as it was the fastest way I was aware of. Early on I came to realize that there is a great dichotomy between enlightenment and relationships, as they are being practiced nowadays. The duality was undeniable and crystal clear.
In the next series of articles I will discuss the structure of contemporary relationships and by that will prepare the ground for the “tool-box for the True Love creator” that will be discussed in due time.


The Important question in relationships

Most of the relationships nowadays, either in liberal societies or traditional ones, end with marriages or contractual agreements. In either case, the spouses’ agreement to live together is based on the mutual desire to share life with each other. This wish is not wrong unto itself but the important question should be addressed, i.e., what was the meaning, the intention, behind that romantic encounter and which ideas or perspectives have led the individuals to bond themselves to each other, to marry and perhaps even have children.

The courting procedure

In orthodox-religious societies, and to some extent in traditional-secular societies as well, it is acceptable and expected that the man is courting and pursuing after the woman. During his courting-journey he is expected to conquerher heart, win her parent’s consent and ask her to marry him. The woman’s part in this scenario remains passive and it is to fulfill the role she is given in this courting game. The meeting between the two can occur arbitrarily, just-like-that, in a street corner, at a mall, at the cinema theatre, at friends' on Saturday night or, perhaps, through a set-up. This last mean – the matchmaking – is more acceptable in religious societies and it intensifies the man’s position in the courting process.


It is not really important where and under which circumstances the man first noticed the woman because after all, he is the one that is expected to take the initiative. If he slightly hesitates then the woman makes a move, hinting at him about the step he is expected to take. This indication from the woman’s part can be either gentle, like an ambiguous eye contact, or rather rude and invasive like a sexual abrupt behavior. However, whatever the differences may be the old-ages principle remains the same: the man must take the first move and the woman should remain passive. Indeed, there are some exceptions like women who choose to rebel against the structure and take an active initiative but those women are an exception to the rule and will be discussed hereinafter.

Right after the first moment occurred, in which the man showed his initial interest, a very interesting change happens: the ball moves to the woman’s court and now she is expected to respond affirmatively.

It is worth mentioning that I discuss a situation in which both parties share the common desire for relationship and not a situation in which the woman is not interested at all. (If the man was not interested he would never have made his move.)

Due to the fact that in religious societies the courting takes place through the parents or with the help of the matchmaker, a negative response from the woman would lop the chance for the desired relationship. Therefore, a wise woman knows that when a man approaches her through a third party she must never refuse (again, providing she is interested).

The situation is different when the approach is a direct one. In such case, the woman’s response depends on other parameters such as the nature of the encounter. If, for instance, the man spots the woman at a café and approaches her to ask for her phone number, the woman - who is interested - process the following consideration in her mind: the man is a total stranger so if she says “No” she will definitely miss the opportunity to get to know a person that might be her True Love; therefore, if she is interested and wise she will always respond affirmatively to the man’s courting.

Things get more complicated when the man and the woman are not total strangers to each other, like in their workplace or a family event. In such circumstances, the woman knows that the pursuing man is traceable i.e., even if she refuses him NOW he will still be reached whenever she wants and she will still be able to detect him and hint that she will have changed her mind and really is interested. Then, another try on his behalf would likely to bear positive outcomes.


The interesting question remains why in the first place would the woman refuses a man she is interested in?

The answer brings us back to the opening position regarding the courting structure between the species: the man as the initiator and the woman as the responding party. In this structure, the woman knows that as long as she refuses the man she is in control, she holds the reins and grabs the power. This “hard to get” game, enables the woman to keep the competence, in a society that praises the battle of sexes. This perspective is founded on solid beliefs regarding the relations between the sexes, the inferior status of the woman to the man and the struggle between opposing forces in general. The factual situation is that many women, especially in the western world, are imprisoned in the all-encompassing of battles, fights, combats and inter-sexes imbalance.

It should be noted that there are women that do not participate consciously in the aforementioned social game and in the above-described situation would indeed accept with open arms the first courting act of the man they are interested in. Such a mature and powerful behavior should be praised; being the way of a master.

A prolonged dualistic process

The courting game, that is the man’s hunting after the woman, can easily last for a long period of time depending on the level of maturity of the persons. This festivity, like a child play, comprises in it the virtue of amusement between rival sides. While the man insists, pushes and passionately courting – being loyal to his part in the romantic game – the woman must take the stance of the “uninterested”, of the allegedly indifferent. The woman thinks that she must remain faithful to her moral values and her seemingly high prestige, and at the same time, she should remain sensitive and alert enough to the man’s gestures in order to react to his communications in order to encourage his courting.

If all that seems to you tedious, archaic and boring, you are correct.

In Part II, I will describe more elements of the courting game.


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Wow. An interesting topic here once again. The courting behavior described in here is surely correct. I happen to be currently dating a workmate of mine and I remember the first time he approached me I resisted him but deep inside me I badly wanted to date him. Just like you described I had to play hard to get because I knew if he is really interested in me he would keep on trying and finally may be after saying it a couple of times that he loves me and all, I was bound to say yes. Weeks passed and months also passed but after sometime, I realized I was wasting a lot of time and later accepted to date him and we are now a perfect couple. But the reason why us girls play hard to get is basically one. We believe saying yes the first time you are approached makes you a cheap girl and the man might think you say yes to everyone that approaches you. So it's better you first play hard to get till you feel it is now the right time to say yes. Trust me hard to get girls never go wrong in a relationship.

Sadly this is the common thought.
But even girls who say yes immediately, always have the option to change their minds!

This topic is very interested in the eyes of the public. there may be factors and symptoms of a slightly ridiculous thing that has been done. maybe this is the best moment for people who are experienced in dating. This topic can also explain to us a reference in the field of related stages or courtship status. maybe i will wait for another topic from you properly.
Thanks you @nomad-magus

Yeah, I'll cover the issue of duality in four posts. The next one, part 2, on Sunday.

I faithfully await discussion of the next duality problem. So that later on what I say can be well responded. Hopefully this goes smoothly

Mehn I can't wait for the sequel of this. Couldn't get my eyes of this piece as I learnt a whole lot from it.

It's indeed a funny structure though but things are gradually beginning to change though. Most ladies these days want to assume the position of the man by making the first move but in my case I would only want a green light from the lady and not an abrupt approach as the case may be.

In this piece, you kept using the word courting and I was gradually getting confused on the true definition of the word. I thought courting happens when you must have won the girls heart and then you guys decide to date and when you must have proposed to her, courting begins. That's how we see it in Africa here. But in you own case, you used the word to represent the initial wooing process. So which is actually the correct thing?

I guess each culture has its own meaning that often is lost in the translation.
You taught me something. Thanks 👍

If he slightly hesitates then the woman makes a move, hinting at him about the step he is expected to take.

That’s correct lol. In my collage years I was very shy to approach girls. I still am, but I’m married now and I don’t won’t to approach any woman unless it’s my wife, from the physical and more than friendly point of view of course ☺️. Friends are friends! Anyway, if I did approach a girl and she refused, in most cases she eventually approached me herself or through her friend. Not always, but mostly. Unfortunately, in most cases I wasn’t interested anymore. But that was me, that’s just my experience. She should at least give some kind of sign that “No!” means “Yes or Maybe”.

...if she says “No” she will definitely miss the opportunity...

Just like you mentioned. If women keeps refusing she feel she is in charge. I agree! Especially when she already gave a sign she is interested a bit. That’s why I think when strange man asks woman for a phone number and she says “No!”, he should keep pursuing until there is not a slight chance anymore, because in most cases women refuses in my opinion just to show him he has to do better than that.

And a sensitive situation because sometimes a "no" is definitely a NO!

it better to behead of a cat then to be the tail of a tiger...

Thats how a slave turns into a master ...

עם כל השינויים שחלים בימינו ביחסים עדיין מי ששואל את השאלה של התנשאי לי? זה הגבר.

כלומר גם כשתחילת הקשר באה ביוזמת האישה עדיין מי שמגדיר לאיזה כיוון יתפתח הקשר זה לרוב הגבר.
ליבי ליבי על אלה שלא משנה אם זה הגבר או האישה שקשה להם לשחק את המשחק המסורתי והמושרש כל כך, שייעדו לכל צד ואז הם סובלים לדוגמא גבר ביישן שקשה לו ליזום או אישה שמחכה לפעמים שנים שהגבר ישאל את השאלה המיוחלת...
נקווה באמת שהדבר הזה ישתנה ובמהרה.

Life is frustrating if you are disappointed with not accepting the pain of life. Some trouble comes to life, which is like the mountain near the small life. Not to be frustrated, patience and time can solve many problems.

In a True Love relationship there is no need for the idea of ​​inferiority or superiority, for strength or power! No need to do anything to 'keep' the other well. The True Love relationship has no room for control or manipulation. This is the reason why you should be clear and strong inside yourself first.@nomad-mag.

Man was born free, and he is everywhere in chains. Those who think themselves the masters of others are indeed greater slaves than they.

A true master can never be of others. Only of himself.

relationship is the key which make our life change.... it is not only a fact of understanding it is the whole things related to us.... there is not perfect defenition of relationship and love.... it is the feelings.... its take us high of the success... the understanding the problems many thing relate to its.... its a pure god gifted....
very nice contant.... love this.... thanks for share like this type of different post....

true love in my opinion there is each party "@ nomad-mag ..

Understanding true love takes time and even though you can never know the feelings or feelings of others about love, there are some signs that indicate that love between two people blooms. You know that love between two individuals is present, because you have been told by your spouse and your feelings are well restored.

@nomad-magus You hit the nail right on its head. I believe most guys are still single because they are afraid of rejection from the women. If only those kind of guys could read this article, it would really help them. I think I will share with such people I know.

To start with, the article is not tedious, archaic nor boring, its otherwise, in the sense date it happens in our everyday life. It does not necessarily occur in courting alone, it also occurs in the case of just wooing a lady. It is normal for the ladies to act that way because it is now seen as a tradition. Honestly this article is educative and deserves an award. Patiently waiting for the part 2

The courtship game, which is the hunt of the man after the woman, can easily last for a long period of time depending on the level of maturity of the people. This festivity, like a child's play, includes in it the virtue of fun between the rival sides. While the man insists, pushes and courts passionately - being loyal to his part in the romantic game - the woman must take the position of "disinterested", of supposedly indifferent. The woman believes that she must remain true to her moral values and seemingly high standing, while at the same time remaining sensitive and alert to men's gestures to react to their communications and encourage them to court.

This was the process that they instilled in us (at least in this side of the world), when women are direct, open and receptive, they are beginning to be labeled as easy women, besides the fact that men do not come with firm and lasting intentions, so this is like a kind of long-lasting test, that if you approve you win the prize, maybe it is wrong, although I believe that every culture has its customs.

This was the process that they instilled in us

Sadly so. Fortunately, it begins to change.

I believe this will depend on how she was brought up or her culture. She might be interested in a guy but for us a man should be the first one to do the move, the man should be the persistent one to pursue a girl. Though we know it's the millennial generation still the old norms will be considered. She might be interested with the man however, her parents approval will also play a big be part of her considerations. Loving someone and making them part of your life must also have your parents approval cause you are making him part of your family. This may hold true for those who value family in every decision made.
Thanks for sharing this @nomad-magus!❤😊

This is just too detailed, I think it is universal because you explained it exactly the same way it happens in my country... Hahaha

I think one of the reasons why woman refused to say yes when first approached by the man is for them to prove his love level for them. They want to see how far he can go to get what he want... Smile

But like you rightly said, men only initiate the move when they felt something special about the woman.

I hope the woman are here to read for themselves how we feel about them before approaching them.. Smile.

I don't like the idea of match making, it takes the power of choice away from the woman, she might say yes just to please the superior authorities, and she end up struggling to love.

If all that seems to you tedious, archaic and boring, you are correct.

It isn't, but still waiting for the part two to see which direction you are taking us... Hug

Very well written man. Most of the time happened same. But in courting games in asia ist meeting (arrange or love ) some time female dominant. Man hesitate to say or ask . Female much guts to talk. In relationship some time she ask to marry a man. Some time she loves someine but marry to parents decision.

In my opinion
this is a factor that drives people:

  • to tie the ropes of brotherhood
  • so that people one and the other work together
  • to meet their economic needs
  • to produce offspring - to be respected in society
    and in my opinion ....
    dating is not a requirement for marriage. Many people who argue that to step into marriage, we should be dating first and husband or wife is the person we previously pacari. There are many things that seem to me a bit strange here after seeing the reality around me. People who have been dating long actually many who do not continue to marriage, but had hoped that the relationship will continue eternal. That continues to marriage too much to be disappointed after knowing that her partner does not like when still dating. Because marriage ultimately removes the mask that has been used so as to reveal the whole form of someone.
    **THANKS **

    You must certainly ever got comments from the account are not clear or the perpetrators of the Scam are asked to click on their links?
    I post about Scam on my bloq, maybe the teacher can judge, and vote
    Im sory my teacher @nomad-magus Thanks for this my teacher @nomad-magus

Love when there is made impossible
Do not differentiate between a slave and a master only close the hearts
A very wonderful article really well published my friend

Hello dear @nomad-magus

ome people use money or health but I wanted my relationships to serve me,

I can not read your full article because i am ill but I think you are right that relationship is very important .

I hope I will read your next article..

yeah,,I also appreciate with you,,i like it ,,Thanks for sharing

A learn a lot from this your personal experience. It is really awesome and precise. Now I can do more practice on courting game thanks for the update

@ nomad-mag. I was just dreaming of a woman dressed in a white shirt coming to my house, she asked me, are you the one I'm pulling "right now, that's just my dream, my dreams dream this dream you think this is bad or not @ nomad-mag.

Not enough info about this dream. Just relax and let the dream fade away. There aren't really any bad dreams.

I'm so worried about dreams "like that @nomad-mag ..

I think in love there should be a balance.

Thank you for the sharing.

By the way, I have registered as a candidate for delegating SP.

I'm glad to know you in Steemit.

Sir, So lovely scene. I like it.

An interpersonal relationship is a strong, deep, or close association or acquaintance between two or more people that may range in duration from brief to enduring.A strong bond between two or more people refers to interpersonal relationship. Attraction between individuals brings them close to each other and eventually ..People must gel well for a strong and healthy relationship.Thanks for sharing..It is a gift for man,,

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Im sory my teacher
You must certainly ever got comments from the account are not clear or the perpetrators of the Scam are asked to click on their links?

I post about Scam on my bloq, maybe the teacher can judge, and vote Thanks for this my teacher @nomad-magus

It seems to me now a days relationships are becoming artificial.

women may want to draw curves in men because they want to test the commitment and quality of men. Because women try to make sure their future partner will stay with him after having children. Not just hanging out just dating.