Thank you for the kind words. And that is my personal choice as to how I handle myself. I can understand acting out in hate, but have found it wastes too much emotion and doesn't get me anywhere.
I don't know the motive behind anyone's actions. Even people that may come across as the nicest people ever may be complete jerks in person, but I'll take someone fake being nice over someone being rude any time.
It can get annoying if someone only posts the most wonderful things about everyone. Sometimes peoples work is not up to par and they need to be called out. Not because you want to be a jerk, but because to have steemit be successful long term we need to continue to strive to make content that is rarely seen elsewhere.
Being relatively troll free has afforded some great honest conversations and I am looking forward to what steemit has in store as more people adopt the system and important changes / decisions are made.