Jesus: The Only Way to God?

in #religion9 years ago

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me," Jesus said (John 14:6). Every Christian loves this scripture, many have it memorized. It seems obvious to Christians: Jesus died for our sins, therefore we must praise Him, accept His sacrifice into our own lives. When we devote our lives to Him, we are saved.

This is an important aspect in the Christian way of life. There is a lot of rejoicing when someone turns away from damaging sins, alcoholism, abuse, etc., and turns their life to Christ. They become "born again," a new person, a better person as they leave their old, mal-adjusted self dead and buried. They devote their life to the service of others, and (hopefully) make the world a better place.

But what about all those who devote their lives to the service of others, who love fully, who live what amounts to be a Christian life, without devoting their hearts to Jesus? Are they condemned to end up in Hell when this life is over?

I don't think so.

I think there is so much more going on.

Remember what Jesus said when the Roman (not Christian) soldiers nailed him to the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

He forgave these men who not only were causing him pain, but who had been making fun of him not long before. Did he forgive these men, only to condemn your Buddhist neighbor? He forgave the woman taken in adultery, does he condemn you? At what point did he say, "Worship me now or you will spend eternity in Hell"?

Now, that's not to say I thinks it's good to go around doing whatever you want and expect Jesus or anyone else to accept you; he doesn't save people in their sins, he saves them from their sins. It's never good to go around doing whatever hurtful thing you can get away with, no matter your religion or lack thereof. Negative behavior (sin) will bring negative outcomes, and those who willfully engage in negative behavior choose negative consequences for their lives and for the world.

But what does he mean, then, when he says he is the only way to God?

I think first we must establish what he actually did for us. He died for our sins. What does that even mean? Billions of people have died for others. Many thousands died on crosses. What made his situation different?

Isaiah, speaking Messianically, gives us a clue: (Isaiah 53:4-5)

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes, we are healed.

Wait. It said Jesus "bore our griefs" and "carried our sorrows." That is much more than just suffering the punishment of our sins so we don't have to go to Hell.

Luke tells us how much he suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane: (Luke 22:44)

And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Alma the Younger goes into a little more detail in his preaching to the people of Zarahemla: (Alma 7:11-13)

And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.

And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities.

Now the Spirit knoweth all things; nevertheless the Son of God suffereth according to the flesh that he might take upon him the sins of his people, that he might blot out their transgressions according to the power of his deliverance; and now behold, this is the testimony which is in me.

Notice, this is far more than just him suffering the pains of Hell for us because we make mistakes. It says, "pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind."

So, let's say a person got beat up every day as a kid by a drunken father. Yes, he experienced that.

He also experienced the abuse the drunken father suffered as he grew up, so Jesus knows perfectly well the abuser's point of view. Maybe the abuser didn't know another way to deal with his anger. Maybe his own father taught him the language of anger and hate. Jesus knows how to help and heal the person according to their individual situation.

Jesus took upon himself all our infirmities that his bowels, the very core of his being, could be filled with mercy: Maybe that drunken father was himself a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome because his mother took to drinking to deal with her own demons. FAS tends to cause mental slowness and impulse control issues. Could this drunken father have made better decisions in his life, based on what he suffered growing up? Maybe... but unless we have experienced exactly what he did, we can't make that judgement.

Jesus can, because through his "at one ment," he made himself at one with every one of us.

"Now, the Spirit knoweth all things, nevertheless..." God, being omniscient, knows all things. But knowing all things is a bit different from experiencing all things.

Just imagine a person studies everything about the piano: all music theory, finger positions, information on the lives of the great composers. He has listened to every piece of piano music ever played.

Imagine that this piano lover has never touched a piano.

Could you say he truly understood the piano?

So, Jesus knew everything intellectually before he suffered for us. He created everything. But until he became clothed in a "tabernacle of flesh," in other words, until he got a body of his own and experienced everything through the atonement, he could not be a totally fair judge.

As King Benjamin says in his final speech about the suffering, death, and resurrection of the Lord: (Mosiah 3:10)

...and behold, all these things are done that a righteous judgment might come upon the children of men.

Jesus is called the Great Mediator for a reason. Since he experienced all our individual stubbed toes and PTSDs, our abuse, our health problems, our emotional problems and individual anxieties, he can speak for us during the Final Judgement, the one that determines if we get to live with God the Father for the rest of Eternity.

When he says he's the only way to God, he means he's the only one who could fairly judge us, or give us the emotional healing required to make us whole and ready to enter the Father's presence.

His attitude has never been, "Love me or go to Hell."
It has always been, "Come unto me, you that labor or are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

He hung out with the downtrodden, those who were considered sinners, because those were the individuals he could heal. He wants us to be whole, happy, and loved. Some day "every knee will bow, every tongue confess that Jesus is the Christ," the Savior. But for each individual, it will be in their own time.

He becomes more like a dear friend who has helped you out of a horrible situation when you asked for it, than a stern boss who has the power to fire you on a whim because you pissed him off.

Christians have an obligation to let their neighbors be themselves. Without judgement. Without condemnation. Human beings have an obligation to love, never judge.

We are happier when we love, anyway, so why would we ever have an attitude of condemnation, which just makes us feel miserable?

Someday each individual will come to realize that, even when they didn't have the heart to believe in him, he suffered with them anyway, and is reaching his hand out to help when they are ready to receive it. And if they still don't feel a desire to serve Jesus? Then they will get as far in the Spirit World as their own gumption can get them.

So, this brings up a final question: What is Hell? Is it a place for God to toss all the worthless people who didn't bother to believe in Him? A lake of fire to send the wicked murderers and adulterers so they can be forgotten? A place for "righteous" people to be afraid of, and then feel superior toward those they consider to be sinners?

I do not believe that a loving, just God would want any of His children to suffer like this; however, a merciful God would not want anyone to continue on forever with their murderous, selfish attitudes, either.

I believe Hell is a place for individuals to view the consequences of their guilt. Murderers will view with clarity how taking a loved one caused a family to collapse. Selfish people will view a life of emptiness, and perhaps the life they could have had, if they'd been willing to share their hearts. You ruin a life with false accusations? You will feel acutely and see clearly the weeping hearts of children. Some abuse or loss can last for generations. This will all be clear to those who cause harm.

On the other hand, most people who do damaging things only do them because that's what they were taught to do. Even Hitler was abused by his drunken Jewish grandfather. Should people rot in Hell forever because they just don't get it, for whatever reason? Or can these mal-adjusted people be taught to love?

Death is not the end. There is a space between death and resurrection. We will still be ourselves, still able to learn and grow, only without the physical limitations our sick and dying bodies impose. A place for these mal-adjusted people to get the treatment they need, in a way they can understand it, when they are ready to receive it. Hell is not intended as a "forever" sort of place.

This is possible because Jesus took everything upon himself, and can mediate for each of us individually. When we get to heaven (and I do mean all of us) it will be because Jesus knows us so well and can help us get over whatever ails our souls.


great post @casandrarose - I always look at Dante Inferno for a version of Hell and Purgartory - if you can repent your sins and turn to Jesus, then you can be forgiven and be welcomed in the garden of heaven.

Thanks! The idea of hell being a fire to cause suffering forever just doesn't make sense. It does not match with the loving God I know. He wants all of his children with him, but some are just not ready.

Thank you, this was beautiful.
Might want to elaborate that greenjello tag is from the greenjello conspiracy.

A way for people to find content that is guaranteed to not be anti-mormon. Whether the author or the content is Mormon centric or not. It's basically hanging a shingle out that says "Mormon friendly content inside"

Hell is when God turns his back to you .
Jesus as a path to God , the real son of a God ,then why in religious books stands : God don't have sons ? He is resurrected but not his body ? I'm really confused here .
I often go back and read The Book of Enoch ,because Enoch of all Prophets and all people before and after was taken by God , in flesh and in soul .
Hebrews 11: 5 which says, "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God."
Genesis 5:24 which says, "And Enoch walked with God: and he [was] not; for God took him."
And in Islam : Surah Maryam verses 56-57: "And remember Idris ( Enoch in Islam ) in the Book; he was indeed very truthful, a Prophet. And We lifted him to a lofty station".
So can you help me with that ?

I believe Hell is when you turn your back on God. His hand is always reaching out to you, he would never turn his back on his children. But sometimes, we aren't ready to accept him, and that's what this post was about. We can always turn to Jesus when we are ready, even those in hell.

I believe God the Father is a God with an actual body, and Jesus is his actual son. We are all the Father's spirit children. Jesus died, and his spirit left his body for 3 days. Then he was resurrected to an immortal body, one that is perfect and transcendent. Because of Jesus's sacrifice, we will all also be resurrected to immortal bodies.

Enoch was a great prophet. He inspired his people so that his whole city, called Zion, was perfectly righteous. The whole city got translated to Heaven. How that happened exactly, I have no idea.

Moses chapter 7 speaks of Enoch in more detail:
17 The fear of the Lord was upon all nations, so great was the glory of the Lord, which was upon his people. And the Lord blessed the land, and they were blessed upon the mountains, and upon the high places, and did flourish.

18 And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them.

19 And Enoch continued his preaching in righteousness unto the people of God. And it came to pass in his days, that he built a city that was called the City of Holiness, even Zion.

21 And it came to pass that the Lord showed unto Enoch all the inhabitants of the earth; and he beheld, and lo, Zion, in process of time, was taken up into heaven. And the Lord said unto Enoch: Behold mine abode forever.
I hope this helps!

I was thinking that i will get some answer like a opinion from you but you sound like a Jehova witness now. Zion is mentioned in Mormon Scripture . For me only works original scripture .The Book of Enoch.

I am not Jehovah's Witness.

I am not familiar with the Book of Enoch. Where is it located?

What more opinion were you looking for? I believe all of Enoch's city ascended to heaven because everyone was righteous. I don't know how the miracle happened.

There are 30 different "books" all claiming to be the original and true book of Enoch. None of them are accepted as canon by any religion that I am aware of.
I think she was just searching out what she understood to be the book of Enoch you were claiming.
Then you attack her?
Stop trolling. Make a point and be clear about where you are sourcing your personal truths from so that others can defend or rebuttal or otherwise contribute. Otherwise this just breaks down to name calling.@iggy what book of Enoch are you proclaiming to be the source of all truth for you personally?

Chapter 7 is about Enoch.@iggy I recommend reading the Book of Moses, found in the Pearl of Great Price. Yes, it is cannon for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It has a lot of information about Enoch.

If English is not your first language, this is available in dozens of others, just click on the globe icon on the top.

I'm curious to read the Book of Enoch you linked. Thanks for sharing!

And yes i know that these books are not in canon .I'm not trolling , i'm not attackin her . I'm sorry if you think that i am . Source is Ethiophian Book of Enoch . This one : . If you have some better suggestion i will be more than happy to read it.

I read that too and to my mind what it means is that death of the body is not strictly nessecary. If you look at mass and energy as one thing then it says he released his mass converting it to energy yet allowed him to not decay directly to entropy.

Curious to know what @casandrarose thinks.

No answer for me from Cas

I replied to you, did you not get it? (My internet is funky and sometimes posts get lost)

There is a lot of good understanding in this thread. After re-reading, I noticed the disconnect you made between God's understanding and experience. Thanks for using your time writing this, I enjoyed the church chords.

I'm glad it inspired you a little!

I am appalled at what people do/have done in the name of religion.
But I think most people want what's good for the world. It is the few extremists that have given religion a bad name. Not all believers are like that!

The point of this article isn't to make people believe in Jesus. Rather, I intended to show how he is the only way to God, why it makes sense if you are a believer. Blindly believing something is I won't do. I always like to understand why or how something works.

Most Gods want what is good for the world too, just like people, as a polytheist I can understand that Jesus is the only path to his God. The interesting thing is that In fact, the abrahamic religions have incredibly divided methods for explaining the ONLY WAY to reach this God. Whenever I hear any of these many variations of devotees say that they are unique and their way is the only one I tend to tune them out like you would a commercial that says something is the best, because how can anyone really know that? LOL

I agree that it is not up to us to judge other people. I however believe that hell is real and that God will judge us all. I also believe in eternal life. This however does not mean that sins will not be forgiven as all of us are sinners. It is very clear that only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ as you have quoted out of the bibleHi @casandrarose

I also believe Hell is real; however, rather than a place of punishment, it is a place of seeing clearly (which can be painful if the things a person has done are hurtful). Seeing clearly will hopefully bring a person to repentance, turning away from their hurtful behaviors (sins). Then those repentant sinners can turn to Jesus and enter heaven, when they are ready.

The only way to God is by completing the process to go to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ. We first must look at what John the Baptist said in regards to the Messiah. He preached about a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins by the Holy Spirit. Mark 1:8 says, "I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."

Repentance is when someone has a drastic change of heart, that brings about a willing turning away from sinning. The way of the cross involves a person putting to death their earthly, fleshly desires daily and following the ways of Christ. If you assume that eternal life can be gained by good behavior alone, then you are sadly mistaken. (Galatians 3:10-14)

You must also be submerged in water in order to receive this baptism with the Holy Spirit. Baptism symbolizes the dying of our old, earthly self and reminds us that we are made new in Christ. So in order to get to heaven, first you must accept(believe that he exists) Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and repent or ask God to forgive you for all the sins that you have committed. Next, you must be submerged into a body of water by a minister of a church that follows the doctrine of Christ. Lastly, you must continue to live for righteousness by the power of the Holy Spirit only and nothing evil, no not one single thought from your mind, which starts from your heart.

@siclone While many evangelicals dictate that you must be baptised by water it actually contravenes the scripture you just quoted.

Mark 1:8 says, "I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."

To my mind that says literally that baptism with water was only symbolic of baptism of the spirit.

Otherwise you're putting yourself in an elite group "only those baptised by immersion in water" can get into heaven.
This admits no possibility of anyone getting into heaven accept those who attend the "one true church". Which is basically the exact opposite of what Jesus was getting at.

He didn't cast down Ceasar, or Pontius pilot or even Herrad.
He did however cast down the temple, over turned the money changers and threatened the power structures that said "We are the only way you get to God. You must listen to us and do as we say.".

That's why he was crucified. He stood up to ministers preaching what you preach there.
I urge you to pray on that.

There is a process to get to heaven, and Jesus is our key to get there. He is the Great Mediator, the One who knows us perfectly and can help us overcome whatever is holding us back. The purpose of this post was to show that he is willing that all of us return to God. However, not everyone is ready for the commitment at the same time. When a person is ready to take the steps, Jesus is there holding his hands out to help.

I can't believe that people who spent their lives doing good, but who never heard of Jesus, are going to end up in Hell. That would be unfair and wrong. I believe they go to the Spirit World and continue to learn and grow. There are many who come to repentance there, when they are ready to.

Paul speaks to the Corinthians about resurrection, and baptism for the dead, providing that necessary step for those who never had the opportunity in life: (1 Corinthians 15:29)
Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?

It would appear that it is up to us still in the mortal world to provide this baptism for those who died without it, so they can have a fair opportunity to get into heaven, too.

I love that symbolism of baptism: going under the water, which represents the grave, then rising up a new man or woman, a child of Christ. Our old, mal-adjusted selves dead and gone.

Seemed appropriate

Jesus Christ, how can he know intimately the motivations of horrible deeds without being guilty of them. Hell is here, when we judge each other. Righteousness is poison when coupled with denial. Justification come from understanding, understanding comes from firsthand experience. Nobody can pretend to have the firsthand experience of living someone else's life without reproach, as the probably fictional character, Jesus, learned well. He was branded as the king of jews after passing judgment on all of his constituents, and paid the ultimate price by deciding to use his one and only life on planet earth to pass judgment on other human beings.

Christians have an obligation to let their neighbors be themselves. Without judgement.

I wish this were true then we wouldn't have to live in a world with violent false religions trying to take over the world and Jesus would have helped by doing good instead of passing judgment unto fellow man.

Christians seem to have more a relationship with hitler than the God they claim favors them, but they don't even know this god's name and cant seem to decide if this god is good or evil....

I'm sorry your experience with Christans has not been more positive. Unfortunately, many misguided people have used his name to do horrible things, completely ignoring his teachings to be loving and non-judgmental to all others. I don't know why they do this. However, I believe that some day they will see the consequences of their appalling behavior, just as all evil people will see the consequences of their behavior.

As far as how did Jesus experience everything for everyone? I don't know, but I'm sure he would have the capacity, if he is God. The point is, he can understand you perfectly.

I respect the christian tenets of religion, but I cant see the trait of understanding "everyone" as anything other than an egotistical attempt to understand the world we live in by pretending to understand everyone. You cannot do this and continue to hold your morals in a fixed position; causing change of individual values and subversion of intentions. Some people don't need to be understood, but choosing to not understand them is in itself a passing of judgment upon them. There is no understanding for someone who takes pleasure in the murder of your family. Understand how, in choosing to leave people out of an understanding of the world, and using Jesus as a crux to say that only he can understand them, you are willfully allowing evil to perpetuate itself.

Contending that the events of the bible are in their present form uncorrupted, it is likely that Plautius understood the extent of Jesus's egotism and his own failure to recognize it, more than Jesus understood why all great philosophers were put to death for their words.

Everyone tries to overcomplicate. There is only one person who can tell you your future and He has told us all we need to know

Yeah but Nostradamus is so confusing!@rayaires

I always like to understand why something is true. My mind just works better that way. This post was intended to clarify why Jesus is actually the only way to God. Plus, it's so comforting to know he understands me perfectly well. This also helps me view other people with love, as he does.
Of course, everyone's mind works differently! Thanks for reading and commenting!