I'm glad it inspired you a little!
I am appalled at what people do/have done in the name of religion.
But I think most people want what's good for the world. It is the few extremists that have given religion a bad name. Not all believers are like that!
The point of this article isn't to make people believe in Jesus. Rather, I intended to show how he is the only way to God, why it makes sense if you are a believer. Blindly believing something is I won't do. I always like to understand why or how something works.
Most Gods want what is good for the world too, just like people, as a polytheist I can understand that Jesus is the only path to his God. The interesting thing is that In fact, the abrahamic religions have incredibly divided methods for explaining the ONLY WAY to reach this God. Whenever I hear any of these many variations of devotees say that they are unique and their way is the only one I tend to tune them out like you would a commercial that says something is the best, because how can anyone really know that? LOL