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RE: Dissing God

in #religion8 years ago

Yes, the point is to seek truth, not just assume God is a lie because things aren't going the way we think they should be, or because some religions in the past used their authority to murder people.

I recommend to such people to seek a God (or even a church) which doesn't have a history of hurting people. Just because some people representing churches in the past did bad things does not mean that all churches andall members of churches are heartless, blind, or ignorant.

Such attitudes tend to ignore the good that many churches do. Some spend millions of dollars a year on emergency relief after disasters, or to feed hungry families.

I am an active member of a church, yet I think for myself, have never murdered or tried to control anyone. I do my best to show love just as Jesus taught.

It is small thinking to flip a finger at God just because some of His proclaimed followers are jerks.