Superiority only exists with one-dimensional analysis.
You can run faster than another person that might make you superior in your field of speed, but that doesn't mean you measured any other aspect of biology, ideology or mental aspects. Just because you can lift a bigger weight than someone else doesn't mean you will accomplish greater things, true strength can not be measured like that, its subtle.
My rhetoric is not delusional, it reflects on universal wisdom.
Those who reflect on their own superiority become blind to their own weakness. True strength is derived from all aspects of life, not a single measurable dimension, the strongest among us, in my experience, are those that are least likely to make mistakes, not the most likely to perform better using a single measurement.
This is the very reason why athletes have short lived careers, because their lives are one dimensional, they quickly get replaced. Kung Fu experts are different, they cultivate every aspect of life that they are aware of, and attempt to become aware of more aspects that they can improve, all the while being humble, because pride is blind, and in nothingness lies everything.
The grain of salt that is a grain of salt sinks to the bottom of the cup of water, and in being everything, is nothing.
The grain of salt that is nothing dissolves into the cup of water, an in being nothing, is everything.
This is the teaching of the daoist heart sutra, and it is reflected in all teachings including all classical western teachings.
There is more to life than measurable, one dimensional performance, the strength that can not be measured is true strength.
When I look for those that are capable of big things, I look for those that don't fall into the common trappings of pride, self-importance, bigotry, any form of wasted divinity.
You have to look for those qualities in them, in which they are superior in, no?
Like, for example..?
How do you mean? I don't understand ..Can you clarify it for me, a little?
You are wasting your time Lucy.
Update - it looks so far that flagging the war has ceased (someone with a fair bit of 'influence' had a 'quiet word', I think).
No flags today - for the first time since it started - so looking good.
Thanks again for your support matey - If you even need some yourself (even with my tiny SP)
Just give me a shout, I'll be there!
Thanks man, cheers.
I'll ask once more...
Examples to clarify, and not further descriptions, please...
That's not an example of anything.
That's just silly.
You do know about exhibition fighting, yes?
My limited experience in wing chun wouldn't succumb to that! lol
(Or my thai boxing,)
No offence mate, but how old are you?
(I've lived with a buddhist for over 5 years, btw.)