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RE: Does god exist ?

in #religion8 years ago

I think God is the source of consciousness itself. This consciousness is a fundamental force that exists eternally outside of the universe and manifests the universe out of the void. It is all pervasive, all knowing, and all intelligent. This consciousness is always watching/observing the universe and this is why the moon doesn't cease to exist when you close your eyes.

This idea is supported by quantum mechanics and experiments such as the double slit experiment. Observing reality changes and manifests it. Before we discovered that the universe did have a beginning, the atheists made the prediction that the universe was static and eternal, but that was proven incorrect. The root cause must be eternal and static to avoid the problem of infinite recursion of creators. The 'creator' existed outside of time and therefore has no beginning or end.

I think that neural networks tune into various frequencies of this root consciousness in the same way that a radio tunes into a station. The mind is essentially a soul antenna that remotely operates the body kind of like that movie Avatar.

The beginning of the bible states that God existed in the void, no other religious text makes such a claim. It seems to me that the bible is the closest to the truth if you ask me. Jesus came to be the perfect example for mankind and took the fall for our misdeeds. God manifested himself a body or avatar for him to control directly so that he could correct a problem that developed here on earth. We are all appointed to go through the same steps of death and resurrection into a new glorified body just as Jesus did. Our resurrection happens at the very end of this period being fallen.

I think aliens are not from other planets, but rather from another dimension. They seem to be non-physical from all the evidence over the years. Do they have warp drive technology that allows them to turn an a dime without problems with inertia, or do they simply not have physical mass and can transform into any shape they desire while moving at light speed?


Beyond all that, the details are highly debatable.