Does god exist ?

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

I think I'm lost, I'm undecided about this thing, if God exists or not?

I like science, and I read so much about science but there are so many things that make me turn away from believing in god.

I would like to know what you say or what do you think about it ?

For example
The age of the earth according to bible is about 6000 years but in science it a millions of years?

What if there is aliens ? would they be believing in god or what religion ?

Why there are many religions if there is only just one god ?

Many and many questions..
I hope you guys can be active with this post and let me hear your opinions.



I (as biologist) am an agnostic which means I simply don't know if God does exist or not ... and if he (/she/it) exists, what his aims and intentions could be, if he 'knows' us as individuals and how much influence he has.
If you like to read my thoughts about the topic, you may check one of my old articles (don't upvote it as it has no impact anymore!).

Anyway I cannot imagine God to be like religions describe him.

I totally agree on the way people describe God, it´s a difficult task to describe something way beyond the capacity of our understanding as it is difficult to un-explaining God out of the wonders that we see and experiment around us every day. I think it´s a way of seeing our limited knowledge of things, thus something greater should maintain this world in order until we find more about who/what he/she/it is. I believe in God though. :)

I believe in God though. :)

Scientists believe that individual genes determine the tendency to believe in God. :)
(As you can read in my article mentioned above.)

I should add that I respect religious people and their decision to believe in God, even if I don't believe as well.

There are many scientists, there are many religions, there is only one God. Imagine for a minute if we had various laws of gravity, various suns wandering within our solar system, and the planets just loose in the universe. I think that would translate into a HUGE MESS. Well, thank God there is One God thus one stable and faithful way of maintaining all things together. We are short minded you see... and I am not a religious person either. I just can´t deny the perfection of God, it´s everywhere, except where man had own choice, in those areas, we are living a mess.

There are sun systems with various suns. Ours has one only - more agreeable for life to develop. There are several possible explanations for the existence of the universe. God like religions see him, is only one of them.
By the way, did you read my article? ;)

Imagine for a minute if we had various laws of gravity, various suns wandering within our solar system, and the planets just loose in the universe. I think that would translate into a HUGE MESS. Well, thank God there is One God thus one stable and faithful way of maintaining all things together.

If you want to engage in unsubstantiated hypotheticals, why not assert a better universe. How about a universe with such laws of physics that people would live on every planet around every star and traveling between starts would be fast, easy and interesting? Why not imagine a universe with no suffering and no mortality for humans? And a vision that would not see based on just 3 colors but 20 so you could see the universe in its real glory and not just the limited frequencies of visible light?

It's very easy to imagine both worse and better universe and laws of physics, but what does this tell us about this one really? We can't even assert that a different universe is possible, let alone that it would be better or worse than what we have. The only universe we have access to and that we can examine is this one, so talking about other ones and their properties is baseless speculation.

I just can´t deny the perfection of God, it´s everywhere, except where man had own choice, in those areas, we are living a mess.

Is there really nothing that you see around you that cannot be improved so you would talk about perfection? The universe is vastly an empty vacuum with wastelands sprinkled in there and there for good measure.

How does the fact that we are living a mess prove the existence of a god anyway?

It is my belief that we are all brainwashed into thinking we live on a spinning ball and were created by chance in a random universe, when everything we observe in reality shows overwhelming evidence of intelligent design. Much of our history has been manipulated to support the narrative that controls us. I won't tell anyone what to believe, but I will tell as many people as I can to research flat Earth for at least one day, honestly and objectively, then draw your own conclusions about the existence of a creator. Just my suggestion, hope you find some clarity :)

How do you know there was a creator and not a cometee of creators. The universe is desinged with plants being green and beautiful, because the 7 green unicorns that created it with their farts wanted to incorporate their own color. My truth is better, because you only explain the universe and the flat earth, but I explain all that and the color of plants. How do you explain that plants are green using flat earth and god? What else could it be but cute little farting green unicorns?

It is not accurate to think the Bible says the Earth is only 6000 years old. There is a gross misunderstanding of the Hebrew text to think that

Yep, agree, the Bible says human race appeared 6000 years ago, may have been something happening before that. But surely it wasn´t the earth as we know it now, since it was made to fit our needs. there may have been the fallen angels (Lucifer was thrown down to earth the Bible says, this must have happened before Adam and Eve).

Either ways, the further science advances, the more evidence appears that God exists, just confirming what our minds naturally ask.

Now, it´s a shame when using science to try prove the unexistence of God, we would need much more faith to believe the ideas behind the beggining of the earth and evolution.

I am a research scientist. We know beyond a shadow of any doubt that a God or "Source" does exist. We prove it mathematically and by evidence of conscious existence in counter space. The data is not public knowledge but we are finding fascinating discoveries regarding our electromagnetic universe.

Thanks for sharing. Keep up the good work, I am excited each time I hear there are scientists like you.

You are welcome. The inside truth is, that many scientist know that God exists. They are just afraid of their careers and peer pressure to say so but in private they talk about it all of the time.

yeah he is exist, i lova science and the more i learn, the more i realize His existence...
maybe the church didnt really teach you how to understand that time dimension..
aliens? no one knows, since our own lifespan is too short to travel this space and only 2 persons who has travel through the farthest space..
there are only one god and one religion but some people start to do their own way to worship him and then by the time has passed people forgot the real way and truth. people think that their way is the truth without realizing it or even tryin to study.
you can ask me more question, since every study started with question, i'll try to answer and help :D
here are some sample

So why does the Quran claim that the stars are located in the Nearest Heaven and that the sky is a dome when we know for certain stars are really far away?

so many things in the Qur'an that is hard to understand with our logic. does this sign is still not enought to show you god signs? lets just see what future would show us, but, will you still alive to know? try to watch zakir naik video to see many argument and more scientific proof.

for your question, there might be a misunderstanding.
Surah: Assaffath (Chapter 37 V 6)
"Indeed ,we have adorned the nearest heavens with an adornment of stars"
*Please note that heavens here in this context doesn't mean Paradise or Sky, but it means Universe.

Hope this link would explain and answered your question, sorry for late respond.

Thank you for your reply.

I don't think most of the "sings" you are pointing to are precise enough. It's all vague statements that gel with reality only on the surface level, but do not really provide useful or testable detail. So yes, I don't find this to be a convincing sign that a god exists and I don't see why people having some vague anatomical knowledge a few hundred years ago would mean that a god signs and exists anyway.

If a god existed and cared about our opinion on his existence, he could issue much more convincing signs. What's the point of this vagueness anyway?

By God, I assume that you are referring to the Christian or Judaic deity, since you believe in a monotheistic universe and invoke the Bible. If you are Christian in theological persuasion, then I assume you are a Western Christian, and not Coptic, Orthodox, or Syriac. Since you seem to read the Bible in literal sense, I gather you are from the denomination arising from Anabaptist faction.

If your query about many religions concerns the ever-increasing denominations of Christian factions in Western Christianity, just read some historical books regarding the Reformation because it is entirely a historical and cultural phenomenon with no real theological aspect to cloud perception.

As for extraterrestrial life forms, unless they profess a belief in a certain god-man who existed in a certain space-time in an insignificant planet, in an insignificant galaxy, if we do encounter an alien civilization, that will negate Judaism and Christianity.

Many, if not most, Christianity approach the Bible in a genre specific fashion. Genesis is in epic-poetic form, which means literal interpretation is likely to be entirely incorrect reading of Genesis. If you approach the Bible with the awareness of context and genre sensitivity, there is little conflict between belief and science.

I think God is the source of consciousness itself. This consciousness is a fundamental force that exists eternally outside of the universe and manifests the universe out of the void. It is all pervasive, all knowing, and all intelligent. This consciousness is always watching/observing the universe and this is why the moon doesn't cease to exist when you close your eyes.

This idea is supported by quantum mechanics and experiments such as the double slit experiment. Observing reality changes and manifests it. Before we discovered that the universe did have a beginning, the atheists made the prediction that the universe was static and eternal, but that was proven incorrect. The root cause must be eternal and static to avoid the problem of infinite recursion of creators. The 'creator' existed outside of time and therefore has no beginning or end.

I think that neural networks tune into various frequencies of this root consciousness in the same way that a radio tunes into a station. The mind is essentially a soul antenna that remotely operates the body kind of like that movie Avatar.

The beginning of the bible states that God existed in the void, no other religious text makes such a claim. It seems to me that the bible is the closest to the truth if you ask me. Jesus came to be the perfect example for mankind and took the fall for our misdeeds. God manifested himself a body or avatar for him to control directly so that he could correct a problem that developed here on earth. We are all appointed to go through the same steps of death and resurrection into a new glorified body just as Jesus did. Our resurrection happens at the very end of this period being fallen.

I think aliens are not from other planets, but rather from another dimension. They seem to be non-physical from all the evidence over the years. Do they have warp drive technology that allows them to turn an a dime without problems with inertia, or do they simply not have physical mass and can transform into any shape they desire while moving at light speed?

Beyond all that, the details are highly debatable.

i was a muslim after i was tourned i becam agnostique man, becaus i have the same question and many other question without answers, in the same time many other logicaly answers, the result i am not muslim its sur but if the god or the greatest power existe or no,,,,, i dont knew becaus the technology and the actualy science they cant give us an answers :)

Well, I wonder why do we feel the need to get some answers? And what does that we all share almost the same questions, who are we? how did I got here? who made all things around us? Is there something beyond? These all are evidence of a natural search of something greater than us.

God is a metaphysical construct, you can't find god with science the same way you can't disprove god with science.

I'm an atheist purely out of apathy, but the older i get the more evidence and reasoning stacks up for their being a creator deity than just random mutation and chance.

Science and the idea of god are not completely incompatible. It all depends on where you search for him. When the right questions are asked, the right answers will come. 🖖

All your questions are absolutely justified.

First of all, it's absolutely fine to be uncertain of the answer to the question if god exists and it looks like you can't really prove that he exists or that he doesn't with absolute certainty and that makes the question about god more difficult or ambiguous than it really needs to be.

I think you should not ask yourself if god exists, but if it is reasonable to believe that he does and things will quickly start falling into place.

First you need to understand that the god concept as it is presented in most religions is actually unfalsifiable. This means there is no real way to disprove it. But we have to realize that this is true for any supernatural claim, even the most ridiculous one.

Let's look at an example of such claim that is not god. If I tell you that green unicorns exists and there is an invisible green unicorn in every room around the world and that the flapping of their wings (yes, unicorns with wings) is what created the universe, keeps the Earth spinning and fuels the Sun. That sounds like quite the ridiculous claim, right, but could you actually disprove it? Can you somehow prove that there are not invisible flying unicorns all over the place? If they are claimed to be truly invisible and supernatural you have no way to disprove my claim.

Still, it's absolutely rational to reject it, because the burden to prove something about it is not on you, it's on me, because I'm the one asserting all kinds of imaginary animals. If I can't provide evidence for the unicorns I'm talking about, then you can reasonably and logically reject my claim as unsubstantiated. If I haven't demonstrated my claim to be true, it's rational for you to reject it and to not believe in it even if you cannot prove and therefore cannot be 100% certain that the unicorns do not in fact exists.

We have this thing called the null hypothesis which is basically the idea that we should not make assertions without demonstrating them. So if I can't demonstrate that there are green unicorns, you should reject my claim. If I somehow find evidence in the future, you can change your mind, but for now in the absence of evidence, it's rational and logical for you not to believe me.

This is how we dismiss all the crazy mythological stories about leprechauns, pixies, ferries, flying spaghetti monsters, magic, powerful wizards and so on. You can't disprove the existence of any of those, but you don't have to believe them or to say their existence is a 50/50 chance affair.

The same burden of proof applies to god. If there is no evidence that would show you that god exists, you don't have a reason to believe in it. The fact that there is no good evidence that a god exists is justification enough to not believe in it.

You can also check out my post sharing the simple reason I consider myself an atheist here where I talk about the exact same issue. I've made a lot of points in the comment section there too.

I belive God exist.