
so many things in the Qur'an that is hard to understand with our logic. does this sign is still not enought to show you god signs? lets just see what future would show us, but, will you still alive to know? try to watch zakir naik video to see many argument and more scientific proof.

for your question, there might be a misunderstanding.
Surah: Assaffath (Chapter 37 V 6)
"Indeed ,we have adorned the nearest heavens with an adornment of stars"
*Please note that heavens here in this context doesn't mean Paradise or Sky, but it means Universe.

Hope this link would explain and answered your question, sorry for late respond.

Thank you for your reply.

I don't think most of the "sings" you are pointing to are precise enough. It's all vague statements that gel with reality only on the surface level, but do not really provide useful or testable detail. So yes, I don't find this to be a convincing sign that a god exists and I don't see why people having some vague anatomical knowledge a few hundred years ago would mean that a god signs and exists anyway.

If a god existed and cared about our opinion on his existence, he could issue much more convincing signs. What's the point of this vagueness anyway?