I loved your story about the poop! It's amazing how a complicated incident gave you great ideas. Thank you for the tips. I know they will be useful. May I suggest another website, Hemmingway App. It's a good tool.
Oh yes! Hemingway is fantastic, too! It'll color-code your text (red, yellow, green) by its readability. At my firm, we always aim for a 5th-8th grade reading level - that's what works best online.
I loved your story about the poop! It's amazing how a complicated incident gave you great ideas. Thank you for the tips. I know they will be useful. May I suggest another website, Hemmingway App. It's a good tool.
Oh yes! Hemingway is fantastic, too! It'll color-code your text (red, yellow, green) by its readability. At my firm, we always aim for a 5th-8th grade reading level - that's what works best online.
This is awesome I love it may I ask can I use your follow button?
Thank you, and but of course! Do you need the code? Or do you know how to get it?
no can you please post the code.
Sure thing -
https://i.imgsafe.org/9ce5f488b3 - with a .gif at the end
You are the queen of delightful stories. Always enjoy reading your posts. Keep it up!
Well, thank you! Even the poop??? You like the poop? :)