Like I mentioned earlier one of my goals is to create an old school game, I was supposed to add some concept art, but I wanted to ask you some questions first. I regrettably just blew my budget buying some rpg makers to make some prototypes, but I'm planning to put a lor more into the game.
The basic idea is that you are a computer virus who wants to consume the entire internet, it's supposed to be a combination of an rpg and a good old fashioned sidescroller. Imagine you start off as a pixel, eating your way up, uppgrading yourself in the process, being able to completely modify every aspect of your character while leveling up, plus learning every tecnique you've ever seen in a sidescroller.
The first and most important question is: What do you look back to with horror thinking av\bout 2d games, I want to make this game a neverender, that gets extremely hard when you get into it, testing your skill and waking up some childhood trauma.
The goal is supposed that it wil be a good old fashioned splitscreen game with the possibility to play online. You can btw use any medium to remind me of childhood horrors: pics, movies it's all good.
And last question: Do you know of some decent cheap software or freeware you can use to design some of the game, like I said, it's gonna be 2d, It will however be a huge 2d game.
If you're interested in helping, my e-mail is [email protected].
Thank you for reading :)
It depends what other software you want to use as Unity would be good, if you had the knowledge or some programming skills to learn it quickly.
As for horrors, the games where I would do poorly and lose my lives, quickly running low because of those pesky stages with a big challenge, then game over after all lives are gone. But you continue to do better.
You should try adding some pictures to your post of what you have done so far/what you are thinking of doing to add more depth to it.
just think every single super nintendo game splashed into one with leveving, equipment and multiplayer, the closest I've ever come to coding is html and php :P
Hmm well C# for Unity but your choice on what you do, just work hard and keep at it. :)
so c pluss will work even if i plan to add online mode?
Well a lot of languages should work for online mode, it depends on preferences.
If you want to get to the prototyping stage quickly; it is possible to build games using nothing but HTML and CSS.
I am sorry that I do not have the background to help. It sounds like an interesting concept. Years ago when game were text based (“ you are standing a room, there is a door in front of you and a cabinet to your right”), I bought software I could use to make those games. I intended to make my own and sell them. It was fun, but I was too lazy to do it.
I know the feeling, just barely checked out the rpg makers, though I do have a lot of other stuff going on :P
Just FYI; if you bought RPG Maker on Steam and you've used it for less than two hours, you can get it refunded. That said I'm not sure you should give up on it quite yet. I've played a couple of really good games made with RPG Maker; To the Moon and Undertale. You may be right though that it's not well suited for making side-scrollers.
Honestly though, it sounds to me like you may be a bit too ambitious with your first project. It might be a better idea to make the first version of the game more bare-bones, and leave the ambitious stuff for the sequel.
Yeah the goal was to make a prototype along with some scripts and other material in an attempt to get another programmer to help me at newgrounds, patreon etc.