It depends what other software you want to use as Unity would be good, if you had the knowledge or some programming skills to learn it quickly.
As for horrors, the games where I would do poorly and lose my lives, quickly running low because of those pesky stages with a big challenge, then game over after all lives are gone. But you continue to do better.
You should try adding some pictures to your post of what you have done so far/what you are thinking of doing to add more depth to it.
just think every single super nintendo game splashed into one with leveving, equipment and multiplayer, the closest I've ever come to coding is html and php :P
Hmm well C# for Unity but your choice on what you do, just work hard and keep at it. :)
so c pluss will work even if i plan to add online mode?
Well a lot of languages should work for online mode, it depends on preferences.
If you want to get to the prototyping stage quickly; it is possible to build games using nothing but HTML and CSS.