An Educational Altcoin Re-Launch From A to Z Free Coins with History

in #reversal8 years ago

Back in the days when the altcoin economy was still in it's infancy, altcoin releases were an everyday thing. The thrill of the chase, from mining to exchange was at it's peak. The majority of altcoins never even made it to an exchange, some just withered away and died, some went to fame and fortune.

Those were the days however for miners to learn and explore. If only 5% of the released and mined altcoins became a success, it would pay of your mining costs from failed projects and leave you a decent profit.

Over the years I collected my share of coins from failed/abandoned projects, I saved these wallets just in case. Some coins get a re-launch and it's worth holding on to. Also it's a record of your expenses/write off as a miner.

After resigning from Hush development, the last project I was directly involved in, I decided to never launch a coin again. The stress and time needed to supervise a project was taking too much of my time away from real life. I have also gotten my share of dedicated trolls and enemies that it was time to let someone else take the helm. The vision I have of a perfect coin never materialized, the world of crypto is full of corruption and manipulation. At one point or another you get tired of this, you rub my back I rub yours is what we have now. I left Hush in safe hands, someone capable of taking it the whole nine yards.

After so many years in crypto, I no longer have the time or patience to work on a project again. Steemit was my way out of some sorts, at first I wanted to write about all the people I met and what they do "good or bad", but that would have meant making more enemies and less friends. Maybe it's not my job to warn you about people but maybe I can help educate you on how the altcoin economy works, from A to Z.

For this I have chosen a coin I dug up from my bag of collectibles, a failed project that I mined a lot of coins, I cleaned the code and recompiled. Sort of given it a new lease on life. For this purpose I have chosen "Reversal" a coin released back in in 2014, Bitcointalk was hacked/down for 3 days and cryptocurrencytalk forum was used as an alternative. Me and a few people mined the coin and I ended up with the lion's share of coins. But the coin never went anywhere and was abandoned.

I decided to use Reversal for Educational Re-launch on Steemit. It will be share-dropped to interested Steemians. I will release the source code and windows wallet today. To get your free coins just post your wallet address in a comment. To prevent abuse by multi accounts, only accounts with 1000 SP or higher can get a sharedrop. Please post your address only if you have 1000 SP in your steemit wallet.

Windows wallet:
(copy paste the URL into your address bar to download the windows wallet)

Source code:


Ticker: REV

Algo: SHA256 currently 100% POS

block time: 2 minutes

maturity: 120

Min stake: 8 hours, no max

No Premine or ICO.

Current supply: 4,167,774 REV

Inflation: 256,320 REV Annually from POS rewards.


Block Explorer: 100,000 REV

Website: 100,000 REV

Bitcointalk Ann: 100,000 REV
(must look good and be updated occasionally, Sr.Member or Higher)

Logo: 25,000 REV

More bounties to come.

"Reversal" is not associated with steemit inc. or the Steem project, It will be distributed freely to Steemians for educational purposes only. No value of this coin will exist beyond it's stated utility as an educational product. Any contributions to code are done freely and do not constitute any commitment by "Joseph Stuhlman" or any other entity to support this project beyond it's stated purpose. Anyone contributing to this project for Bounty should know the value of this bounty is in the utility of the coin as an educational product and no material value otherwise indicated. The coins are distributed freely and such entitles the holder to nothing. Reversal code is beta software and is not guaranteed fit for any purpose stated or implied. Download at your own risk. Only download the software from the github link provided.



Love free coins! Thanks, Joseph :D

Sorry for saying offer here, but if you like you can receive 2 SBD immediately by RESTEEMing below link.

Thank you, I will gladly accept your bribe and resteem your post. Not sure why you set it at 2 SBD I would rather get 5 SBD per bribe as a minimum rate, but this time I will accept 2 SBD to encourage corruption.

awesome idea to teach Streemians about crypto from scratch and who knows where this can go - many coins started as a test or a joke :)

If all the comments are like the ones we get below, distribution will be awesome.

Your talk of old coins reminded me of mining coinye west coin! It had a great wallet but the project died after threats of legal action from Kanye (or so I believe)!!

yes, the project was delisted from exchanges under threats of legal action, but not all of them. It lived a few months before it went belly up.

I am not sure I understand this correctly. The Reversal coin is not in development anymore and has a current value of 0, right? So you would be holding it in the hopes of it getting a revival?

What was the reason behind mining this excact coin back in 2014, and do you still think the coin had a good purpose?


Back then purpose was not announced immediately on release, most coins were a bet, either it's a winner or a loser. We mined altcoins as they were released and waited on results. Most never found any purpose or utility. Whether the coin had a purpose or not, it did not influence the market much in the short term. Only long term projects survived.

good - reply


Good post! I'm going to follow you to see more post like this and for support us!

great post thanks for sharing
reply plz

still hazy about how all this works: mining, cryptocurrency, coins but I hope in time I'll learn and would also garner the experience you did and then invest but hopefully more success than failed coin purchases/mines

JOSEPH - You made my day. I was searching a BLOG like that. Thanks a lot. Please keep sharing!


Great post @joseph! So it meant you created your own coin?

very cool idea!

Great to see you supporting and educating other about the smaller altcoins many of us wouldn't recognise.
I don't have a windows computer or laptop so I guess I'll sit this one out.
Keep up all the great work and helping all these new crypto users into the cryptospace.Wow this is a really good initiative you are running @joseph.

nice.. but what is 1000 SP ?

Steem Power

@joseph Interesting post and happy to see and read it .. thank you for sharing

question: How do you think about the alt-coin market now? Do you find promise in many of the hyped projects, or do you say "this sounds just like 2013/14 to me!"?

This is not 2014 by any measure. Some projects do hold value and are not just hype. But a lot of the tokens are nothing but hype. You need to be more vigilant now than before, the entry cost is hefty and can leave many people in financial ruins.


Thank you! 100% upvote here, hope I gave at least a bit back!

Should I worry that wallet is out of sync?

it takes time to sync, keep it open and it will sync.

I would like to invest in this and in the future maybe become a milionaire.

Nice info.. thanks for sharing!!

This is a fantastic idea! I'll follow along and try to support it.

REV address: RWbLCyqRfdJkcP9sBHFpoBcFEoK5o3Mkeu

If anyone needs a .conf for their /home/<user>/.reversalcoin/reversalcoin.conf directory:


thanks for sharing

Like the idea . Great ! Resteemed and pls do follow me and upvote me


Nice post ! I followed you.

Eos eos eos coins buy them now

Unfortunately there are not that much educational projects and there are many people who do not understand in crypto-currencies. You are doing a good job. But there still many obscurities. Will it be non-profit.

You should warn me on people! 😏 I need that haha too gulable😭 Keep your friends close but your ennemies closer🙊😏😘