Bernie, I have to admit it. You're one helluva guy! - At times, I've been wondering what you're doing.. But let's face it. You're straight up, honest and you don't fall for crap.
However, I can't talk about gavvet or if he's upvoting his own posts with alternative accounts, but I wouldn't be surprised. - This has been going on since I first joined Steemit last year. Several people are doing this.. - I don't think it's fair and I literally hate to see the same people among the "trending posts" day in and day out. 7 days per week. - Other authors, like myself, have very low chances to compete against these "top authors" .. And that's a shame.
It was "easier" back in the day, for us "nobodies" , when a single vote by you, dantheman or blocktrades for instance, would skyrocket a post and reward them with a couple of hundred bucks. - I had a handful of posts myself with rewards like that back in the day.. And I've never been more happy online, ever.
Keep up the good work Bernie, no matter what you do, don't stop. - I envy you, I encourage you and I love what you're doing.. Even though I might not agree with you at all times.
Here you go, take $0,01 from me! :)
Just to set the record straight... I can use my main or I can use my alt. At these prices my main earns too much, therefore I use the Steve account and what bernie purposely doesn't point out is is that I have been mostly using it for a gamification contest experiment... which he downvotes to 0.00, but he has been slack lately and let a few through.
I upvote them for visibility, If I wanted rewards I could simply post from my main multiple times per day like the #realrewardpoolrapists do.
Thank you gavvet for your clarification. Like I said previously, I don't have any problems with you, bernie or any other whale or steemian for that matter. - Things just feels kind of awkward at times. It's always great to hear both sides. However, even if you do what you do, for whatever reason it might be, there's still others doing exactly what bernie pointed out in his post. I've seen it multiple times.. - So even if you don't do it for the rewards, others are doing it. - However, I appreciate your reply and I'll use it in my previous post, as I've mentioned this problem in that.