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RE: Week 4 Challenge: Dramatic Skies

they are the best double rainbow shots I have ever seen, probably. They are heaps better than my best ones.


seriously though they are gorgeous. I look at the sky most of the time. I used to work installing rooves (is that the plural of roof? it somehow doesn't look right. Must be roves, no spell check says yes, but I call shenanigans), so you never want to look down.

well, that parenthesis was probably too long to not break that sentence asunder

I mean to say that when is standing on joists and batterns over sheer drops, one looks at the sky a lot

And now I go out every night for three hours with the houndbeasts and we see the galaxy

lovely and so pleased to have met you


Pleased to have met you as well! If you ever travel from Spain to US take some time in the NM mountains.

I am afraid I can almost guarantee I'll never see that with my own eyes. Not keen on your borders, lol.

shame because great people and amazing landscape.

but I wouldn't have visited Rome in the time of Caligula either.

(and I am not referring to the current administration here either. I decided that when I was about 15 so like, right after the Carter years. The last reasonably sane one)

the time of Caligula is long. lol

hope I haven't offended anyone, wasn't my intention.

big hugs