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RE: Robots May Not Take All of Our Jobs.... Just Some of Them.

in #robot7 years ago

I think wealth and income equality will just get worse with this and it will be very difficult for society to deal with. The poor will have much less jobs available (and what is available will have lower wages due to increased competition). This will make class warfare issues much more difficult within countries. This will lead to increasing taxes on the rich. However with increased globalization, the richest can just easily move to lower tax country. I'm not sure how western countries will be able to deal with this (at this point there's no way they're ready).


Wealth and inequality will certainly get worse. We are seeing the more successful public companies of today reach revenue levels with 1/3-1/2 the employees than companies 30 years ago. The assertion that guys like Gates and Bezos could be trillion dollar guys is not out of the realm of possibility. Personally, I see massive explosion of the S&P over the next 10 years because of this very idea.