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RE: Royal Wedding? WHO CARES?!

in #royalwedding7 years ago

In AMERICA, we have a document that OPENS with "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." ;)

We FOUGHT and WON the war against them over 200 years ago and now we still call them "royal"? Are we dumb?

Funny you use the same language our founding fathers did. Guess FREEDOM is UNIVERSAL. ALL MEN (and women) are created EQUAL and were given at BIRTH the RIGHT to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness. If you are not sure what document I am referring to it is the Declaration of Independence that WE (still british subjects at the time) drafted, signed, and sent to the crown! Which in case you don't know American history we sent TO THIS VERY FAMILY to tell them we were done!


I read about the American war of independence which took place sometime 1774-1776, the situation they were made to face is a good reason why none of these individuals called royalty should be celebrated. They were inhumane and stole from many nations.

My worry is that some refused to be free from mental slavery and punishment. Relegating themselves and their human status.

Exactly! WE fought for our freedom! Then we had MORE oppression in the form of SLAVERY! Funny though, AMERICA was one of the FIRST nations to make SLAVERY illegal! Yet we still worship slavery by the all might federal reserve dollar AND acknowledge others as "royal"! Thank you for being a FREE MAN! People should never accept any form of oppression! We are ALL given inalienable (can not be taken away) rights from our creator! That is what the REAL American dream is!

The worst part is how people in America even today still fight for that very crown, that form of oppression. The war is not over! We all must be united for freedom! The future will not be nations, it will be the oppressed versus the elite ruling class that have used nations for generations against us!