Royal Wedding? WHO CARES?!

in #royalwedding7 years ago

I'm an American. I am also a FREEDOM Advocate! I believe man should be free from ALL forms of oppression and governments. Call me an anarchist, though I still acknowledge since people are not ready for TRUE freedom we need some form of government. Back to the Royal Wedding today. WHO CARES? Especially if you are PRO FREEDOM!

IF you still acknowledge someone as "royalty" then you my friend are still a SLAVE mind! There is NO SUCH THING as a "royal" bloodline! There is only FOOLS and SLAVES who allow them to continue calling themselves "royal"!

MY nation fought a war against this very family in order to gain the FREEDOM to NEVER EVER EVER call someone ROYAL again! And now half my nation is hyped up about their great grandson's wedding and call it ROYAL? No we should call them what they are!

A group of thieves who steal from their own nation to live a life of riches they were BORN into and manipulate the people into paying for through taxation while people die and starve in their own streets! You want to worship them? You want to call them Royal? I NEVER will respect or honor anything like that!

I AM A FREE MAN! I acknowledge NO ONE as royalty! I would rather DIE than worship a king or queen!


People gain physical freedom from their masters but the mental slavery may last forever and this is what is affecting mankind especially Africans.
You should see the hype about this wedding and I was like, what the heck? Seriously, I got something better to do rather than gush over a wedding ceremony that was rehearsed and scripted.

I wish them well though and hope it lasts.

SPOT ON! Man I know it is ALL over the world people STILL believe in this crap! "Royalty"! What a joke! FREE MEN do not have Kings or Queens! Royalty is Oppression! Free societies elect leaders! I do not hate them just because they were born into a certain family. But I do hate how they parade around the world and act superior while people starve to death. That dress could have fed 10,000 people today...

I share your view. I detest the term royalty. I can't forget how we suffered in their hands in Africa. Our people were used as slaves with padlocks on their mouths and chains in their hands and legs they worked on their farm. Our resources were taken, goods stolen, able-bodied men captured leaving children fatherless, subjected us to payment of tributes.

We are all humans, we all deserve to love our lives in freedom without oppression. Because we are equal. Their explorations and exploitations is part of the challenges most countries are facing today.
Nothing like Royal family as far as I'm concern.

Exactly! They are STILL today idolized for their "royalty" while we ALL know they DESTROYED people around the world and even in their own streets! It is insane how anyone can still support ANY form of oppression! We are ALL FREE MEN (and WOMEN)! ANYONE who tries to prevent that does not deserve any title! Let alone "Royal"!

Those shouting and hailing royalty don't know much of history I guess. And they are happy living complascent lifestyle as subjects.
All humans are equal and there is nothing like royal blood. All bloods are same, all humans are same and equal. Thanks for this thoughtful view of yours.

In AMERICA, we have a document that OPENS with "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." ;)

We FOUGHT and WON the war against them over 200 years ago and now we still call them "royal"? Are we dumb?

Funny you use the same language our founding fathers did. Guess FREEDOM is UNIVERSAL. ALL MEN (and women) are created EQUAL and were given at BIRTH the RIGHT to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness. If you are not sure what document I am referring to it is the Declaration of Independence that WE (still british subjects at the time) drafted, signed, and sent to the crown! Which in case you don't know American history we sent TO THIS VERY FAMILY to tell them we were done!

I read about the American war of independence which took place sometime 1774-1776, the situation they were made to face is a good reason why none of these individuals called royalty should be celebrated. They were inhumane and stole from many nations.

My worry is that some refused to be free from mental slavery and punishment. Relegating themselves and their human status.

Exactly! WE fought for our freedom! Then we had MORE oppression in the form of SLAVERY! Funny though, AMERICA was one of the FIRST nations to make SLAVERY illegal! Yet we still worship slavery by the all might federal reserve dollar AND acknowledge others as "royal"! Thank you for being a FREE MAN! People should never accept any form of oppression! We are ALL given inalienable (can not be taken away) rights from our creator! That is what the REAL American dream is!

The worst part is how people in America even today still fight for that very crown, that form of oppression. The war is not over! We all must be united for freedom! The future will not be nations, it will be the oppressed versus the elite ruling class that have used nations for generations against us!

I agree with you. I didmt want to watch any of this rubbish on TV. To your point, what do they do that helps mankind? Addressing the main point, arnt most of us still enslaved by the monetary system?

Yes we are but that is why we are all here and in cryptocurrency and TRYING to fight the good fight! #TheResistance!

I thought you would say that. I know its crazy, I still think the royal family are aliens.

They are just a lucky family that knows how to keep people buying them stuff!

Great post. I've seen some others making jokes about how they aren't interested because it's a UK thing and we have enough celebrities or some shit like that.

And I was thinking the same thing your post is saying: not only completely disinterested in more celebrity nonsense, I'm totally turned off by the mental enslavement nature that propagating such events and people perpetuates. A free man ought not call another his master or his king. Very well articulated post, thanks for sharing. #carryon

exactly! it isn't about the hype to me it is about the mentality. I always ask WHY! Why are we acting like they matter? They get BILLIONS of dollars USD a year (well pounds for them) for FREE off the hard working people of their nation for what? Being born into the right family? NO! STUPID ENSLAVED minds ALLOWING it!

They/we give them validation they haven't earned. What an absurd way to live.

It's really crazy how most persons still fall for the blue blood scam. I just love this article the fact that someone could say something about it is just awesome.

I AM A FREE MAN! I acknowledge NO ONE as royalty!

I am glad so many of my fellow steemians agree with me! #TheResistance shall not be #Centralized!

Lol, I love this... Of a truth the Era of royalty have passed.. We are now free so we don't care about their royalty whatever..

Exactly how I feel glad you agree! We should NEVER accept the term royalty again on this earth!

there should be no royalty in world,,,every human is equal and everyone should be treated equallyTotaly agreed with you @bigdeej

That is the point! We are ALL created equal by the great creator! Given inalienable rights (rights no one can take from you)! That is the REAL American dream! And the one we in #TheResistance fight for!

Sounds worse than pretending a two party system is democracy.

Lol! right! At least we have SOME bullshit to believe in! They accept SLAVERY at face value!

Please Sir @bigdeej

You are amazing.
When I look at your total number of votes per post i marvel.
Please, i know that somethings cannot be discussed in the open.
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What ever you are doing is working.
Keep it up.

While I may not carry quite as much conviction toward the subject of royalty, I tend to agree with your general sentiment.

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Dunno of you know this and you can verify it,perhaps I'm wrong. From what I understand the inteligence agencies in the UK (GCHQ,mi5,mi6) answer directly to the queen or king( if a king exists).

Dunno of you know this and you can verify it,perhaps I'm wrong. From what I understand the inteligence agencies in the UK (GCHQ,mi5,mi6) answer directly to the queen or king( if a king exists).