Today I ran 22km at Harbor Walk after work like yesterday. But today I could run only at much slower pace than yesterday. At the latter stage of today’s workout, I felt so tired in my thighs. As opposed to yesterday’s one, today’s workout was tough.
Also in Kobe, cherry blossoms have started falling. This may be a last look at cherry blossoms of Harbor Walk.
Today's running profile is as follows.
Distance(距離) : 22.1km
Time(タイム) : 1:45'57"89
Average Pace(平均ペース) : 4'47" /km
Speed(スピード) : 12.5 km/h
Calories-out(消費カロリー) : 1,204 kcal
Steps(歩数) : 18,701
Lap time(ラップタイム) :
1km 4’47” /km
2km 4’43” /km
3km 4’40” /km
4km 4’34” /km
5km 4’36” /km
6km 4’41” /km
7km 4’35” /km
8km 4’40” /km
9km 4’45” /km
10km 4’39” /km
11km 4’43” /km
12km 4’47” /km
13km 4’45” /km
14km 4’47” /km
15km 4’45” /km
16km 4’56” /km
17km 4’53” /km
18km 4’48” /km
19km 4’53” /km
20km 4’58” /km
21km 5’09” /km
22km 5’12” /km
Thanks for your reading. Let's enjoy running together !
Sometimes happen, body needs to rest from time to time...
Maybe you should try with shorter distances and introduce some intervals workouts
Thanks for your helpful advice ! I'll try them.
“Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.”
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
Resteemed by @runningproject
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Are you maybe preparing for Tokyo marathon in May?
Sorry, but , no. I have not yet decided the next marathon.