I visited Drusilla's Farm down south today, with the niece and nephews, and once you start walking around the zoo, it's a long walk with only one direction, so it counts as a workout. And at the end, there's a lemur enclosure, where you can walk in the pen with the lemurs around you, and a black lemur called Lotfi put it's hand in my trouser pocket to steal the zoo map that was peeking out. He got it but I had to pull it back off him, for fear he'd eat it or something. But it counts as an extra-special workout walk for me anyway, as I never met a lemur before lol.
When your count says 581 calories burned, would I be right in thinking that the actual achievement is less, cos some of those calories would have been burned anyway, just living and breathing? I wonder what the extra calories burned by the exercise amounts to? :0
I assume it's a lot more than I'd burn sitting around. I don't need to lose weight, but then I just had a big meal with pudding. I want to be a better runner