'You are wrong.' Such simple words, such an easy short cut, such a beautiful binary world.
Falling for the western narrative 100% after what they told us about a 'pandemic', and assuming that western media is cautious: I could not go there.
'You are wrong.' Such simple words, such an easy short cut, such a beautiful binary world.
Falling for the western narrative 100% after what they told us about a 'pandemic', and assuming that western media is cautious: I could not go there.
Because you are wrong.
There was no big narrative in the western media that was false in any way regarding this attempted coup during the coup. You might see a narrative develop afterwards when it comes to speculation but during the event MSM reported on it, i would say, amicably.
Comparing what i was following in real time and what MSM was saying hours later.
Youre also wrong in the way you approach things, allowing your preexisting bias to completely form your future position about events.
You think west lied about pandemic -therefor their coverage of the russian coup is also a lie.
You must see how thats a completely flawed and wrong way of thinking and how your bias can lead you to false conclusions.
You need to asses situations and events based on the merits of the claims not based on who said what.
Russia lies a lot, but sometimes they do tell the truth. MSM lies quite a bit less but they still lie.
Neither should be dismissed outright.