It's the last free weekend before the start of school for the kids and the wife, so why not make it a fun sailing day. It was hot (97F) but we had some decent wind which made it enjoyable. Kids didn't want to participate so it was just the two of us...which was really great. We got in a little drone action as well and turned out to be a fantastic day of getting away on the water. Hope you enjoy the video!
With Gratitude,
Captain Bob
▶️ DTube
Click the Image Below to see the Video!
Thank you man! I appreciate your shout out and love the show as always. Keep up the good work!
I also a lover of sunday my friend
No idea how i never thought to look you up on the other side of things. Seeing the face behind the the eye. 😁... That sounded weird. Haha.
Quite an interesting blog. Very chill and layed back. I like it.
Hey! Great to hear from you! Thanks for watching and yeah, I try to keep it laid back. Hope you are well!
If you set sail now, you can arrive at the Baltic Sea by SteemFest 3 :)
Dude, I've got drone envy. And boat envy.
Hahahaha. I can just see the headline: "Man dies braving the Atlantic in boat much too small, but all details captured and posted on DTube. Story at 11." The drone is fantastic. I'm super pleased.
So we've been kayaking and researching and leaning toward Hobie's because of their pedal drive systems and the options to add a sail. Today my husband tells us we're joining the local sailing club as a family and will be hitting the water soon! What?!? I'm so glad he's braver than I am. He's responsible for our many adventures. Wish us luck.
That is a beautiful boat! I loved the drone footage! My husband surprised me with that GoPro and I think Santa might need to bring me a drone. Lol!
There is nothing quite like sailing to me. It's magical when you kill that engine and the wind hits the sails....there is a sound....the water begins to move under the boat and all you hear is the rustle of the sail a bit, the water trickling, and the wind moving slightly......and you are moving! It's great. Can't wait to see some amazing sailing videos from you!
Lately it's been hot worldwide I guess, the sailing holiday looks nice! Drone shot looks cool, I need to invest one soon.
I'm very pleased with the Mavic Air for it's portability. Small and easy to pack around on boat, bike, or just traveling.
Loving the drone shots Captain Bob! Your website is really cool.
Ozzie! Hey thank you man, I've been really pleased with the Mavic Air so far. The portability is the key for me. Thank you also on the website comment. Something we are working on a little bit at a time ;)
Keep getting that drone practice in;)
Looked lovely!! I like the new eyeball intro!
Drone practice is fun stuff. Very pleased with it so far. Thanks for the comment on the new eyeball intro. We've been tweaking it a bit.
That's so cool @captainbob, really quality time with the family!
Your area seems beautiful and I like how the docks are arranged, is it all floating? We seriously need something like that here.
If you decide to go down to Antartica I'm available for crew hahahaha
Hey man! Yeah the docks are all floating docks here on that lake. I'll keep that in mind for the Antartica trip :D At least I know I've got one crew member because I know my wife will never go for that :D
Yeah, I don't know why we don't have floating docks here, even the city could manage a public marina. It would not only generate income for the city, but it would also encourage people into sail life.
Sometimes it's hard to understand Brazil...
Sooo cool! Makes me want to get a boat! LOL and a drone! A friend of mine down in Los Angeles, goes sailing all the time and is constantly posting pictures. Looks like a very fun hobby!
Oh prepare yourself if you ever pick up the sailing hobby. BOAT stands for Break Out Another Thousand.....LOL. The drone on the other like magic. Love that thing and the Mavic Pro has been perfect for me as far as portability.
That is way cool. Good to know you like that one. with so many on the market I wouldn't even begin to know which drone to buy. But not much need for one with my cook videos. lol someday I will get one. Yeah BOATs are expensive. What is the other saying? "Best day of my life is when I bought the boat, the second best day, is when I sold it" Or something along those lines? lol
Well I'm sold on DJI as a company for drone stuff, but there might be others. What I like about them is the software. It seems to work pretty well. The Mavic Air doesn't have as much range as the Mavic Pro, but the size is just so appealing for what I do, and really, 1.2 miles is more than enough range for me.
oh wow 1.2 miles is the range??? That is incredible. I saw on Facebook one time a new company was showing off their drone, and you attached something to like your arm or something like that, and the drone will follow you. And you can have it be parallel with you circle around you, etc. Pretty cool stuff. I can't remember the brand or anything.
Yeah they have some technology built into this one called "active track" that you can draw a little box around yourself and it will follow, or profile slide along side you, etc. It all works great until a tree or something comes between you and the drone and it loses sight of you. But out in the open, it works pretty well!
oh wow that is pretty awesome! :)
Awesome video. I'd love to be on a sail boat. Last time I was anywhere near a boat was when I was in Westport, WA to get some tuna from a small fishing boat my folks ordered from. While walking back off the dock, a seal popped out of the water about 5 feet away from me, looked at us for about 2 seconds then dove under the water again. Weather was pretty terrible, incredibly windy and rainy but was an interesting trip anyway. Just to shout out @reseller, I found out about you through his news report today. Glad I did, you seem to have some interesting videos. Thanks for posting, I'll be sure to check them out!
Thanks for watching! Yeah that @reseller guy is a keeper ;) I love sailing, but sometimes finding the time can be a bit hard, haha. Weather obviously makes a difference as well. If you get a chance, get out there on a sailboat sometime and check it out. I was surprised the first time I ever tried it and was totally hooked.
These are the wonderful moments of life to know the world, especially nature, with the necessary company of your family ... Greetings and my respects, my support with my humble vote.
Thanks. Appreciate you watching and following along.
when are your children starting school? it should be september?
My wife starts back today (teacher) and the kids start next week. Most school around this area of the Midwest start in mid August.
I really like your new intro, every video you get better and better @captainbob!
The place looks amazing. Love everything what is green and surrounded by water.
Artakush digs a well next to the bush...
Thanks @artakush. I appreciate the feedback. Hard to not like life close to some water I think, haha.
nice , sailing is a great fun , it makes mind cool and relaxed
Yes, sailing is magical.
nice drone shots!
Thanks man!
Great video!