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RE: Sailing Sunday

in #sailing7 years ago

Awesome video. I'd love to be on a sail boat. Last time I was anywhere near a boat was when I was in Westport, WA to get some tuna from a small fishing boat my folks ordered from. While walking back off the dock, a seal popped out of the water about 5 feet away from me, looked at us for about 2 seconds then dove under the water again. Weather was pretty terrible, incredibly windy and rainy but was an interesting trip anyway. Just to shout out @reseller, I found out about you through his news report today. Glad I did, you seem to have some interesting videos. Thanks for posting, I'll be sure to check them out!


Thanks for watching! Yeah that @reseller guy is a keeper ;) I love sailing, but sometimes finding the time can be a bit hard, haha. Weather obviously makes a difference as well. If you get a chance, get out there on a sailboat sometime and check it out. I was surprised the first time I ever tried it and was totally hooked.