SBT Milestones - What you may have missed.

in #sbt3 years ago (edited)

Splinterlands Battle Token

(SBT) (Goals)

I would consider this some kind of Roadmap for #SBT.

Total Supply = 1,000,000,000
Total supply issued at time of post = 160,000,000+
(hive issues at this time, will update as soon as possible)

Current Community Projects Taking Place Rewarding SBT

Taunt Me Tuesday

- Taunt Me Tuesday -

Player will be offered to post battles for a chance to earn some Splinterlands Recognition and be featured in their videos! Alongside the recognition, there will be SPS and SBT rewards with more rewards to come! This has been a very creative way to give back to the Splinterlands community and look forward to the development of this project.

...For more info...

Saturday Showdown

@drabs will be hosting the first every Saturday Showdown on December 18th.


This tournament will likely be the first of many to come. There will be familiar rewards alongside SBT including SPS and DEC with future rewards still being discussed. Stay Tuned!

Thank you @cmmndrbawang, @cutedawko, and @drabs587 for your support in SBT and for hosting a fun SBT community event! Look forward to what ideas we can come up with.

Discussion of SBT Milestones

Recently, I decided to create a token called “Splinterland’s Battle Token” (SBT). This token has brought more interest due to a recent #SBT giveaway. I started the giveaway to further extend the reach of the idea behind this token. The idea of the token resembles, as one comment (@cutedawako) had stated “an achievement” feel because of its sole purpose to send SBT to worthy foes you see within the Splinterlands realm. Most people who watch their fights regularly know what kind of fights these are. They are the ones that are so close it puts you on the edge of your seat! The ones who you thought you had defeated yet defeated you using some nasty combo you rarely see! Those Kinds Of Battles!

There have been many great ideas and suggestions for ways this token can be used and distributed. The following were some ideas that were brought to my attention by, you the community, and your feedback. Thank you all for your interest and support in SBT! Let's continue to build a strong community together!


-Manually Sending The Token–

It actually sounds harder than it is. Maybe it is the word manual? To send this token, all you need to do is, access the token inside your wallet, select send, and type in the username and amount you would like to send then submit the transaction. @kennysgamingworld commented that you could leave a personal memo that can be publicly seen. This is something that I was unaware of and adds to the ways this token could be distributed as a more achievement-based token reward for memorable battles.

Splinterland’s Battle Posts

This coin will be issued as a reward within content based on great battles. By doing so, you can create these posts to act like a mention showing your gratitude. You could also tip this coin on the posts of other hive members' battles that you thought were great battles by tipping custom tokens within the tipping option. The creating content based around battles idea was suggested by a few fellow Hive members. If I were to create a poll (which I might), that may be the most popular suggestion within the comments section of my original post.


The idea of tournaments is great. The fact that someone is willing to not only use DEC, SPS but also have SBT as a reward aside from those currencies is something that has been discussed. I have found that one fellow Hive member is wanting to start a whole setup of tournaments to help extend and further the idea based around this token and wish them luck alongside their journey. I hope for @clove71 to want to take part in this idea. I want to thank those of you who have made an attempt to help get her on board with this idea. As the ideas around SBT grow, with all your help, maybe she too will like to take part in this. After all, this is a community coin. @drabs587 is hosting the first-ever tournament involving #SBT on December 18th, 2021.

-Link to tournament-

-Guild Brawl Rewards-

It has been discussed that some might even use this token for guild brawl rewards. I like this idea attached with how #HiveRevolutionGuild has been handling things. What we do inside the Hive Revolution Guild is; we have a pool of SPS that is awarded to members of our guild that lead the pack in the overall battle wins. The pot of SPS is distributed at the end of each brawl. Thanks, @skuuun for being a kind and generous distributor to all of our members. If the leaders hold the highest overall scores, then, the SPS pot increases in size, making it something that participants will want to work harder towards earning. #SBT will be served as an underlying token that will be awarded to guild members that were close and act as a "participation" type of trophy. Each amount will be different for the top 3 members ascending from low to high depending on that member's placement. This should make things more incentivized for our guild members. And could be an excellent suggestion for guild leaders other guilds. Thank you @ruralio for the idea behind the guilds.


Another update to uses, contests! This was brought to my attention post-release of this update. If you would like to take part in one of the first-ever mentioned #SBT contests then please follow this link to @fwxiii's official SBT contest post >>>

**(Other options are still up for discussion.) **

I ask you, the community, what we shall do with this token? #SBT Best ideas will be discussed further. Suggestions from you the community are how I would like to improve this token. This help will be the future of this coin.

-This is why I created SBT-

The whole point of this token was made on the thought of a good battle with an opponent (whether win or lose). I thought it would be cool if I could send them something to show my gratitude. Simply reward them, because it was something that was intense and had me on the edge of my seat. I thought to myself, those types of matches should be remembered. Even if it wasn’t a whole lot. That is when I thought of #SBT.

-Interesting Fact-

I created this coin approximately two weeks ago in late November 2021, with no idea what to do with these all tokens other than sending them out battling. I will admit to being cheap sending low amounts. I sent an average of 5-15 per match. 5 if they lost, 10 if they won, and 15 if the battle ended in a tie. I just wanted the name #SBT circulating and its purpose to be validated. This was not moving at a fast enough pace for circulation though. That is why I decided upon setting up a post with the goal of giving them away and creating a plan to do so using milestones.


  1. 0-550 Million #SBT Issued- This will go to the first 500 comments or people who contact me who are interested in using #SBT and helping me circulate the tokens in the ways that were mentioned above. Most everyone will receive 1 million of the total supply, some may receive more depending on the creativity of their ways of spreading the name of #SBT. After I issue 500 Million, I mentioned this in my first update of the original post of the #SBT giveaway, that the giveaway continues.

  2. 500-750 Million #SBT Issued- I will continue giving it away to anyone who may want to take part in this project. Only from 500-700 million #SBT, I will be cutting the amount I give in half. Instead of 1 million #SBT you then will receive 500k #SBT instead. Reaching the end of this milestone, I would like to be able to unlock staking and allow holders to stake. As requested.

  3. 750-800 Million #SBT Issued- Again, the amount I give would be cut in half making that amount 250k #SBT instead of 500k.

  4. 800-850 Million #SBT Issued – Once again, the supply will be halved. Making the amount received 125k #SBT.

  5. 850-900 Million #SBT Issued - This is where I will be giving 62.5k #SBT out to anyone who might still be interested in the giveaway. And may possibly be the last depending on what all is required for what is mentioned in the final milestone.

  6. 900-950 Million #SBT Issued – Uncertainty makes me unsure at this milestone. I would love to have reserves for people holding Official Splinterlands Tournaments amongst other projects. Also, the outcome of certain recommendations made by some of you. I would eventually like to make this coin easier to use for tipping posts using a command similar to #LUV #Pizza and #LOLZ. If this is attainable I would be basing it on the amount that is staked. Of course, these are just ideas the community has brought to my attention and sound like interesting ideas to implement into the coin. I have been contacting others who were referred to me on trying to make this all happen. I will keep this coin updated as more information is made clear.

I have been working to find ways to make this project more interesting and add general, even memorable, values received from this token. I am not 100% sure what will take place at this final milestone. I am just adding this as a precaution moving forward with the ideas behind #SBT. I would still love to give the final amounts away. After all, this was an idea that has been built based on suggestions by you, the community. There will be more announcements prior to hitting this milestone. Stay tuned!

-Reference to Post -


On initial launch of #SBT

Within a few days of the token release, I had spoken with a couple of Splinterlands friends from whom I have grown fond of and asked them if they would like to get involved with #SBT. At this time my intentions weren’t actually fully understood of what this token’s full potential really was. Now, I can picture a great future for this token. This is due to all of your support!


I must admit, I thought the coin initially was going to flop. This was due to my uncertainty of how to make people like the idea of it being rewarded for good fights and explain it in an understanding way of how it could be used. The idea of the giveaway, the reason for that, wasn’t a purposeful marketing ploy either. I honestly had no idea what to do when launching this coin. Or, even what to expect. I just wanted it affiliated with the entire Splinterlands community and it circulating in the ways it was intended for. Splinterlands is one of the best communities I have ever had the pleasure of being part of. At the start, I started sending #SBT out every battle. This felt inauthentic as if I were copying the idea of #DEC. When I finally realized, it didn’t feel right, I tried a different approach. All I wanted was for people to see the coin and get #SBT around the community. This was when I was suggested to create a post by @sgt-dan and his viewers, during one of his live streams, discussing #SBT further. I then decided to do a giveaway. It was a reasonable objective. This was to create the circulation that I was shooting for. Plus, I wanted all the feedback about the coin as possible. All I wanted was for people to understand that it was for good, memorable battles, within Splinterlands. But, boy, was I wrong. Even I am still learning of the capability and reach of this coin. Intentionally spreading #SBT’s concept with a more solid plan behind it every day that it gets shared and hits a further outreach. I am hoping for a great future with #SBT and to have as much fun as possible with it as I can. While adding a new flavor of reward to the Splinterlands mix. I hope everyone at some point will enjoy the concept of this coin. Whether it is the reward or the person rewarding. I think it is going to be a great project and would like for everyone to feel the same. Like the many that have shown interest in the coin. And for that I thank you!

I did leave a memo one time. But, immediately thought that the memo might have gone to an invalid location forever lost in the realm of floating crypto. Until I found out about how it is actually a label capable of being seen after sending with a memo. This idea can go way far with what the memo is labeled. Potential out the wazoo with the memos. Imagine the possibilities. You could even challenge yourself by using certain teams and attaching a memo aimed at what the game was like, good/bad, completing challenges, linking the game. The ideas could be endless when attaching a memo. Thank you to @kennysgamelife again for bringing up memos extending the possibilities of #SBT even further.

I hope this helps gain some extra clarity about #SBT and how this project came about.


Overall SBT is just a simple reward token that has only reached its starting phase.

Honorable Mentions

  1. @kennysgaminglife - Thank you for all that you have been doing for SBT so far! I wouldn't have been able to continue sending SBT without your generosity. It is much appreciated! @kennsgaminglife also created the new logo for SBT! I look forward to working with you throughout SBT's project.

  2. @master.splinter - Thank you for creating a quality post behind the SBT project. I enjoyed watching you share the idea of SBT with your viewers. This makes me feel more secure about the outlining of what SBT is all about. Also, thank you for creating a logo that looks suitable for this project.

  3. @sgt-dan - Thank you for all of your support through the creation of #SBT! Without you, this project wouldn't have gone anywhere without your suggestion to create a post discussing this. I thank you for your advice. If anyone would like to catch one of his streams please consider visiting him -

    - and showing some support. He does have me on stream speaking about it at times. And would love to hear any questions that might arise. Thanks!

  4. @cmmndrbawang @drabs @cutedawako - Your plan sounds amazing! I look forward to more information about the idea you three have decided to team up and do. Updates will be released within the SBT project at a forward date on details discussing this idea. Stay tuned!

  5. I would like to thank @Everyone that has taken interest in #SBT and the great ideas that have been suggested. May we continue to evolve this token together as a community!


It has been quite interesting so far! Let's start sharing those coins and having fun with them!
See you on the battlefield!


Its looking cool idea, im interested

Good day sir, I'm interested, please count me in @protosphere

Hi. i like to join.

Thank you for your interest. Coins have been issued. Enjoy! Also, connect with @drabs. Maybe the 3 can work with you on ideas. Looks like you have a very similar idea to the one I am supporting. I just need some dates and work it into the coin via SBT post announcements.

It's interesting to be part of that project and see what we can bring utility to this token. I am planning some giveaways with SBT soon and I hope we will make SBT more and more popular. Cheers mate!

Thanks @sepone, I am looking for ways to make this token better for people, at the same time, have kids, manage this giveaway, and do other "life" things. I will tell you, it has been quite the task. lol. Loads to do! I have enjoyed it so far though. Many people seem to have taken interest in the idea. I still don't think some people quite understand the idea of how it could be a sentimental coin. I appreciate your interest in #SBT. Have a great weekend!

Sounds Good,. more powers to you for the effort!!! will watch how this will grow

Thank you for your interest! I appreciate the kind words. Enjoy the SBT I have sent.

Hello sir, I would love to be part of your project.

I am so excited with this token! Right after my rest (I had my first dose of vaccine) I will start thinking on how to distribute mine too, really getting chills about this project!

Thank again for reaching out. I think that whatever you choose to do will have a great idea behind it. Thank you for wanting to spread it out. I think it will become an interesting coin for the Splinterlands community. Enjoy the tokens!

Hey bro, I would like to send SBT to random people that I battle with, also for brazilians players that I chat with on telegram. Idk if I'm elegible... I have a nemo account, not even a dolphin, lol. I received some from Sarge. I'm also trying to help curate some posts (distributing hive from the pool), also following you now. Thats some nice ideia and been able to help others is greatfull.

Thank you for your interest. Sarge is a great dude. I have helped him with giveaways at times. As for the size of the account, that really doesn't matter. All I ask is that you play the game and use the tokens in a creative way. It sounds like you may have that idea already. Enjoy the tokens! Thank you for distributing to the Brazilian Community. Thank you all the way from Montana, USA.

I think this is an amazing idea! I would love to get involved with this and add it to my tournaments!!!

Glad to hear you like the idea behind SBT. I would love for you to dm me about the tournaments before issuance. I typically am a heavy supporter of those projects. You can connect with me through peakd or discord NinjaSpar7an#3846. Thanks in advance.

I plan to be actively involved in this project as a "Battle Linking Master" so be sure to have a helmet! :P !LOL

You are out of jokes for the day!

@christislord you can call @lolzbot a maximum of 1 times per day.
Level up by buying more $LOLZ so you can share more jokes per day!

Can you explain the "Battle Linking Master" to me further? Sounds like an interesting project for me to follow alongside. Thanks in advance!

LOL its more like a Battle replay HyperLink Spammer

Just found out about your token through the @thgaming diesel pool. Sounds like an interesting idea. If you’re still issuing tokens, I’d like to get involved if possible. 😁


@definethedollar(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><

Given the current emission rate of LUV pushing 500/day, increases to required LUV levels will likely be forthcoming.

For sure. The momentum has slowed down since the original post. But, yes, I am still issuing tokens. Thank you for the interest in SBT! Enjoy!

Hey man, Garlic let me know about your token. I'm the guy behind the SplinterlandsBot twitch bot people use to register their splinterlands names for giveaways and such on twitch that you can find in a lot of streamer's chats. I'm working on a feature for the bot which could be used to distribute the token. Garlic said I should hit you up to see if you'd be interested in working together to distribute tokens that way.

That would be great @niclamus! What kinds of things do you have in mind? Could you dm me here on peakd? That way we could chat easier about it and stay up to date. We will make an announcement of the plans we come up with afterward. Thank you for your interest. I look forward to speaking with you about it.

I'm very excited to work on this project with @cmmndrbawang and @drabs587 ! :)

It should be awesome @cutedawako looking forward to this!

Same buddy gonna be awesome

Good luck with SBT token!!

you are awesome I love it lets also do tipping like !PIZZA i love it!


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
ruralio tipped itzninjafool (x1)
@definethedollar(1/15) tipped @itzninjafool (x1)
forsakensushi tipped itzninjafool (x1)

Learn more at

I think this is an awesome idea for the community! Not sure how it all would work economically, like how to create value for the token and why should people hand away that value if it should grow larger. But I am sure you can work out ideas for that. Would love to see where this is going.

Good idea I'd like to join

I'm definitely interested, thank you!

Wow im excited to the project !!
Keep it up!!#sbt

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the December 1st Hive Power Up Day
Hive Power Up Month Challenge - Winners List

Excited to be part of this and can't wait for the tourney hope it goes well so we can continue to do it in the future. Most likely looking at monthly tourneys as they're a bit costly to run currently but if this does really well I will get some of it back from the buy-ins to fund the next one.

Hello sir am interested

Thanks man! Glad you found your way here from my discord post on @psyberx .

Hi! I'd like to take part in this, too. Can I still join? Not sure how to participate, though. Thanks!

Sounds like a great idea 😁 i just found a few hundred of these in my wallet so i thought i should check it out.

Can i still participate in the giveaway?

I am going to host a tournament soon and it would be great to offer some #sbt as a additional prizes 👌👍🍻


Peace, Graham.

Hey @itzninjafool, here is a little bit of BEER from @elricmoonslayer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Awesome idea!


Sent 0.1 PGM tokens to @itzninjafool

remaining commands 0

Buy and stake 10 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM per day,
100 PGM token to send 0.1 PGM three times per day
500 to send and receive 0.1 PGM five times per day
1000 to send and receive 0.1 PGM ten times per day

Discord image.png

Support the curation account with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP