Matthew 12:36
And I tell you that from every vain word that men speak, they will realize it on the day of judgment.
Today I want to reflect on the words we say and how we say it, what is the true purpose of what I am talking about and that initially become actions, because we remember that the words we say come together with what is inside us. specifically to the heart.
In this verse we find a warning from God for Christians, a warning that like many others we find in the Bible go unnoticed as if it was not God who through these prophets spoke to a people to correct our attitudes.
It is very true that we have not all had the privilege of coming from purely Christian homes of father and mother, many of us have experienced blows in life that have served us as an experience to seek something beyond suffering and with conviction I say- I have found the grace of God and many have also found it.
It is also true that after a person has an encounter with God can not remain the same, something good has to happen in the life of that person and it is that in doing so we begin to change attitudes we are no longer the same because Jesus has begun to work in a mind that was once reproached by our rebellion of recognizing the author of life.
I have heard many people say: the only one who can judge me is God, and certainly you are not afraid to know that it is precisely God who can judge you?
This I think is very relevant in my Christian life, because it is precisely God who will judge me, how am I preparing for this event? I asked to reflect.
Many Christians today are too light to speak point and judge, self-centeredness seems the most suitable lifestyle to stand out in believers.
Certainly as a Christian I make my reflections, I always ask God for help to speak to me in my words because certainly nothing escapes God and from every word we speak today God will judge her. Are we understanding that it is not man who will judge me? - If it were man we could say "he was wrong" but to the sadness of many I say it is God our Judge, the one who knows everything is not the word in our mouth when God already knows what we are going to say. Doesn't this seem totally worrisome when we say things or do things that God detests?
I say it for everyone's reflection, of every word that comes out of our mouth we will give an account to God.We are living a precious time of God's grace and we who have been called at this time have to reflect as Christians. God has endowed us with all knowledge so that we may like his grace and speak in his word and be faithful in everything.
Let's take care of our words and actions!
The mouth speaks of the abundance of the heart, and definitely he who conceals the lack seeks friendship, but he who disseminates it seeks strife, so let us die, God will always measure the intentions of our heart. Thanks @ricci01 !!
Amen darling @darlenys01, thanks for your input. DTB
If we understood the fear of God, we were very careful to speak. Every word that comes out of our mouth, we will account for them before God. DTB @ ricci01.
Greetings. The just judge is called God and will judge his people both for his works and for every word our mouth has spoken. Let us leave the judgment to God and not to men.
That's right @ricci01, I like these words you quote: It is also true that after a person has an encounter with God they cannot remain the same. DTB
That's right @xioran, thanks for reading. DTB
The wise person always takes care of his words and as Christians we must take care what we say is not going to be that we offend God and be judged without mercy. Effective reflection @ricci01
Thank you very much for your input @giacamila777. DTB
Many Children of God ignore this warning, without taking into account that God has a memory of all things, even our words.
DTBSad reality brother @theonlyway, but it is like this thanks, for your input.
Good message The word is not yet in our mouth when God already knows it. No one has the power to judge us, but only God. We must learn to leave his place of judge for God and not occupy it. Blessings @ ricci01.