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RE: Mobile Phone Radiation: Does It Pose A Hazard To Human Health?

in #science7 years ago

Hello Dear @eurogee :)

This is an incredible article. Also, I am always amazed by the high quality of your writing. It is great to read a well written text.

It is a relief to learn that the use of cel. phones won't give us cancer. I must admit I cringed when I read the the title of your post and began to read it with much reluctance 😅

Thank you so much for informing us all about the following:

And that's why it is advisable not to use your phone while in places of poor network coverage.

I do sleep with my phone quite close to me, for the alarm in the morning. But, I suppose, it is sensible to buy an old-style alarm clock and sleep away from my mobile 😊

Thank you once again for all this important info.
All the best,


Hello @abigai-dantes

It is a relief to learn that the use of cel. phones won't give us cancer. I must admit I cringed when I read the the title of your post and began to read it with much reluctance

Hahahahaha can't stop laughing. Almost everyone was caught transfixed by the title. Happy to see you here.
