Mobile Phone Radiation: Does It Pose A Hazard To Human Health?

in #science7 years ago

Following the proliferation and wide scale adoption of mobile phone technology, there has been increased concerns from various quarters as to whether it has adverse effects on human health. One report, in 2011, puts the total number of global subscription at 7.4 billion. If this was the figure as of 2011, you can then imagine by how much it must have increased over the period of last 7 years to date. This is quite frightening enough to draw public interests, especially when it is a matter of public knowledge that cellphones depend on radio-frequency (also called electromagnetic) radiation to transmit information packet.

[Source: pixabay commons. CC0 licensed]

Radio-frequency radiation, depending on its strength, is known to cause changes in atoms or molecules of the body tissues, an occurrence that can trigger cancer development and other associated diseases. Because of this reality alongside wide scale usage, many health opinion leaders are concerned that should this be true, then the wide scale adoption of mobile phone technology could pose significant public health risks.

In this article, therefore, we will be looking at different scientific opinions (and the consensus) as to whether the radiation from mobile phones impacts us negatively in an attempt to answer the question: Does mobile phone radiation pose A Hazard To Human Health?. Additionally, we will also examine how mobile phone system works, laying emphasis on the associated health risks to enable individuals decide if they would continue to depend on mobile phones for communication purposes; and finally highlighting expert-endorsed recommendations which are intended to limit exposure to cellphone's radio-frequency radiation.

Research opinions on health risks of mobile phone usage

It is a general knowledge that mobile phones emit radio-frequency radiation of very low strength, but the possibility of these emissions having adverse effects on human health has been a subject of intense debate among scientists, with proponents claiming to have carried out studies to back their opinions while the antagonists point out that all efforts to replicate the results of the so called studies have proved abortive so far.

[Source: Wikimedia commons. Author: Monquaylob. CC BY-BA 4.0 licensed]

In one of the studies termed REFLEX study which was conducted over a four-year period by 12 research groups in seven European countries, the team claimed to have found mobile phone equivalent radiation that was able to cause breaks on the strands of DNA molecules from different human cells and linked such damage to having the capacity to cause cancer in humans. The extent of damage was found to increase with increasing strength of radiation and length of exposure, according to the study ref. Furthermore, in specific terms, the study noted that the breakage occurred when cells are exposed to radio-frequency radiation of between 0.3 and 2 intensities measured in watts per kilogram, overlapping with 0.2 and 1watt per kilogram, which is the range of radiation commonly emitted by mobile phones.

Despite the seeming richness of the REFLEX study and other similar studies, majority of published studies (of recent) maintained that the weight of scientific evidence so far doesn't support the claim that radio-frequency radiation has the capacity to cause health problems in humans. Agreed; radio-frequency radiation from mobile phone, like microwave radiation from other sources, has the capacity to heat up molecules but the strength of its radiation is not strong enough to cause cellular damage, much less break off molecules that could then result in cancer and other heath issues.

Let's consider a scenario whereby an individual holds a cellphone onto a particular side of his cheeks for several hours answering a call. Under this circumstance, cellphone radiation, because it's being focused for hours on that side of the cheek, may cause localized heating, but, given the low strength of the radiation, the rate at which the body tissues absorb and dissipate the heat is far more than the rate it's being generated. Hence, the person on call hardly noticed the heating effect.

Furthermore, it is known that the interacting frequencies are too poor for individual photon energies to cause ionization of most biochemical compounds. This is unlike energies of gamma rays, x-rays, UV-light, and some others which are strong enough to cause splitting of bio-molecules including DNA and therefore could have health effects on human beings when exposed beyond certain thresholds.

[Source: pixabay commons. CC0 licensed]

However, following the 2011 statement by the World Health Organization (WHO) in which radio-frequency radiation from mobile phone was classified as being "possibly carcinogenic for humans", many people have called for standardized precautionary approach to using mobile phone. Presently, research into health effects of long-term usage is still ongoing.

That notwithstanding, the current international consensus is that the use of mobile phone does not cause cancer neither does it promote accelerated growth of existing tumors. Source

The working mechanism of mobile phone system

Mobile phone system works on the principle of a two-way radio with individual cellphone at one end and the base stations at other ends. Base stations have antennae that are mounted far above the ground in order to get widest coverage while cellphones are inbuilt with a radio receiver and a transmitter. On calling someone, your cellphone antenna connects to a nearby base station through radio-frequency radiation, delivering information packet to the base station's antenna. Then the base station, having received the signals, passed them along through the landline phone system to the desired source.

The radio-frequency radiation being emitted by base stations is relatively constant while the one from mobile cellphone varies depending on 3 major parameters, including:

  • The duration of the call,
  • The distance you hold the phone from your body, and
  • Proximity (or closeness) to the base station.

The levels of RF radiation from the handset, to which your head is exposed, are around 100 to 1,000 times more intense than exposure from base stations. Source

When you make a call from a place with poor network coverage, your phone will struggle to emit more radio-frequency radiation in order to make up for the poor electromagnetic field coverage, and thus exposing your head to a more intense radio-frequency radiation. This is not good for you health-wise. And that's why it is advisable not to use your phone while in places of poor network coverage.

[Source: pixabay commons. CC0 licensed]

Precautionary measures

Based on the evidence so far, mobile phone radiation doesn't cause harm to human health on short-term basis, but further investigations are currently being undertaken in order to make a formal statement as relates to long-term usage. If you're concerned, in the meantime, however, you may use the below tips to minimize your exposure to radio-frequency radiation.

  • Use mobile phones having low specific absorption rate.
  • Use landline phone instead of mobile phone.
  • Ensure your mobile phone calls do not last long.
  • Consider using a hands-free kits.
  • When your mobile phone is switched on, keep it as far away from your body as possible.
  • Avoid using protective shields for your phone for whatever reason. This is because, doing so may interrupt the normal coverage, and make your phone to emit more radio-frequency radiation as it struggles to reestablish connection to the base station. Thanks for reading.

References for further reading

Yours truly,

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This is one of the reasons I use earpiece often. Because, it is better to be cautious than to feel sorry.
More so, using earpiece would free my hands and I could multitask even while answering call.
You see; I'm using one stone to kill two birds. And I wouldn't be worried about frying my brain with the phone's radiation.

Nice piece bro

You nailed it @samminator! ✌️✌️✌️

Very informative and well written @eurogee! Thank you for this.

I have a question: When I sleep I keep my phone next to me (I use it as an alarm clock, you see), but I always switch to airplane mode. Did you read anything about it? Does this lower the levels of emitted radiation?

Even if it is turned off, it is advisable to keep it away from your body. I didn't see any information about air plane mode but stick to expert recommendations. Thanks

Hi @eurogee. Nice article. Is there any known documentation of malignancy among people who claimed that it was caused by the radiation emitted by phone? I think I have heard a rumour that if we kept our phone in our shirt pocket, we are exposing our chest to the radiation and it can possibly cause breast cancer. I wonder if it is true.

No, I found no documentation of malignancy. However, there is one or two conjectural claims of benign type in Italy which resulted in the court awarding pension to the plaintiffs. But nothing to worry, the claims were only based on conjecture; nothing scientific.

Consider using a hands-free kits.

I was going to say something similar, when reading the potential heat the phone can cause in our cheeks.

Speaking about the possible risks of developing cancer because of the phone radiation, that could be such a brutal blow to that industry than I am sure they will quickly figure out a way to avoid these risks and release it to the market in no time.

This was an interesting read @eurogee, cheers!

Thanks you

Hello @eurogee of @euronation and @steemstem community

You just blew my mind

Under this circumstance, cellphone radiation, because it's being focused for hours on that side of the cheek, may cause localized heating, but, given the low strength of the radiation, the rate at which the body tissues absorb and dissipate the heat is far more than the rate it's being generated. Hence, the person on call hardly noticed the heating effect.

When I saw that, I was glad am safe because I know it's dangerous but when I saw 👇👇

When you make a call from a place with poor network coverage, your phone will struggle to emit more radio-frequency radiation in order to make up for the poor electromagnetic field coverage, and thus exposing your head to a more intense radio-frequency radiation

You got me thinking... So many locality in Nigeria are experiencing network issue and they are not expose to earpiece because in my opinion, earpiece is the saving grace to avoid such..... Is there other solution to this @eurogee apart from the cautions listed

Thanks for this piece

The fact that there is no known scientific or should I say replicable evidence yet, should not make make us take the risks of exposure for granted. That was why I said if you are concerned, you should adopt the stated precautions.

The best thing one should do when in areas with poor coverage, is to not make calls indoors. Or at best, wait until one gets to a place of rich coverage.

Hope this helps.


It's important to point out that radio-frequency radiation in our country is bad.. My question is are we also prone to hazards from heat of radiation when making calls for hours?

No scientific evidence supports that as far as I know but it's advisable to stick to the precautions given. Thanks

As usual, the initial conditions matter. If you speak with your phone during 20 minutes and if you let your phone lying on a table is no the same thing. Of course, this major difference is rarely mentioned. In fact, we are missing studies integrating what is going on on the long run, in particular as the technology is changing

This added information is well appreciated. Many thanks.

You are welcome :)

Hi @eurogee!

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If there is ANY doubt about cell phone radiation just go to youtube and find the video where a guy takes 5 o6 cell phone places them around an egg calls the cell phones and COOKS the damn egg in a couple of minutes... what else do ya need? Keep the things at a distance, when ya can...

Thanks for the added information. That's the phenomenon of localized heating I talked about.

I thought about dropping a link but decided against it as to not clutter up your comment section... I just hope that more people become aware of the "we don't give a damn about the consumers health, we want profit" motive of big tech.

Any link that will enlighten us more is welcome. However, it doest change international consensus, unless you are ready to undertake your own personal research.

Thank you for your reply @eurogee. I just happened to shoot this vid June 1st and then I stumbled onto your post... I have this cheap little meter and filmed the readings off my phone cuz when I use my phone my head feels different on the side where I used the phone... Also if I use my hotspot for an hour or two I'm finding that I have no comprehension of written material.. anyway, folks you can buy these very inexpensive off e-bay it that interest you ;9)

Can you please explain this scenario sir

I use my laptop for my Steemit account and I will hotspot my phone to provide the wifi signal. I do a little curating so I'll be active for and hour or two at a time. Well I started noticing that after a period of time my reading comprehension declines sharply. I will read through apost or two and not remember or recall a thing. I can remember reading, hearing my reading voice in my head, but I can't remember the details or even the theme of the post I was reading. Now I've working on computers for over 30 years now and it concerns me that my reading comprehension is really low. I had this meter that I purchased a year or so ago so that I could check the microwaves and other appliances for electro magnetic emissions. It's just a cheapy but it really showed which household appliances I should probably be aware of and possibly replace. So when I started to feel that hint of a ringing in my ear I measured the emissions from my phone. That's really all there was to it. Then I thought well maybe I'll write up a post someday and put in on Steemit as just an personal observation. Then I found your post and thought wow this guy really put together a great post. and now we are here ;9)

Nice article. Glad to hear that the evidence of mobile phones causing significant harm is weak. If it did cause harm I'm sure my girlfriend would be dead already. she spends a lot of time on the phone

Likewise me since 2004. I had done many jobs in the past that required me to be online 24/7 engaging customers. Thanks for the visit

Scary. If this is true, then people would lessen their mobile phone usage if thats the case. But with how we are hooked on using our phones most of the time then its another adjustment period for us..You are very interactive towards other users on your post. Great job!

Thanks officer!

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Hello Dear @eurogee :)

This is an incredible article. Also, I am always amazed by the high quality of your writing. It is great to read a well written text.

It is a relief to learn that the use of cel. phones won't give us cancer. I must admit I cringed when I read the the title of your post and began to read it with much reluctance 😅

Thank you so much for informing us all about the following:

And that's why it is advisable not to use your phone while in places of poor network coverage.

I do sleep with my phone quite close to me, for the alarm in the morning. But, I suppose, it is sensible to buy an old-style alarm clock and sleep away from my mobile 😊

Thank you once again for all this important info.
All the best,

Hello @abigai-dantes

It is a relief to learn that the use of cel. phones won't give us cancer. I must admit I cringed when I read the the title of your post and began to read it with much reluctance

Hahahahaha can't stop laughing. Almost everyone was caught transfixed by the title. Happy to see you here.
