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RE: Mobile Phone Radiation: Does It Pose A Hazard To Human Health?

in #science7 years ago (edited)

I use my laptop for my Steemit account and I will hotspot my phone to provide the wifi signal. I do a little curating so I'll be active for and hour or two at a time. Well I started noticing that after a period of time my reading comprehension declines sharply. I will read through apost or two and not remember or recall a thing. I can remember reading, hearing my reading voice in my head, but I can't remember the details or even the theme of the post I was reading. Now I've working on computers for over 30 years now and it concerns me that my reading comprehension is really low. I had this meter that I purchased a year or so ago so that I could check the microwaves and other appliances for electro magnetic emissions. It's just a cheapy but it really showed which household appliances I should probably be aware of and possibly replace. So when I started to feel that hint of a ringing in my ear I measured the emissions from my phone. That's really all there was to it. Then I thought well maybe I'll write up a post someday and put in on Steemit as just an personal observation. Then I found your post and thought wow this guy really put together a great post. and now we are here ;9)


In addition, I did not find any of my appliances or outlets generated as much emissions as my phone.