You should be left behind because you're nothing but a spammer who uses racist terminology and cannot control his feeble mind and actions.
It's time for you to create a new account and move on, I will not be stopping my bots I have flagging your posts and comments.
Congratulations @topikzmonster, you've been added to @thedumpster for being such a piece of trash!
When you call someone a n****r you get no fucking sympathy, so fuck off. This is your last chance to stop posting and move on before I kick things up a notch.
Sorry I don't talk to inbred hillbillies like yourself. Actions speak louder than words. You'll see!
Oh this is gonna be fun! Thankfully I have MANY accounts and killing yours is automated so no skin off my back. Enjoy! I know I will!!
Congratulations @iloveupvotes, you've been added to @thedumpster for being such a piece of trash!