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RE: Reptile Lures: Leaving Nothing to Chance

in #science8 years ago

In direct response to your last comment to me:
I do understand. I'm an author and artist. In those respects I'll lift my mess.
Thank you for not attacking back and talking to me like a human being. I do wish you the best.
Additional: I care too or I would not be doing this. My accounts are negative because of attacks. All can be lost here in a matter of minutes at any point.
You can be seen on the wall, I cannot. It's unfair 4 accounts attacked later. Yes, I defend. Yes, desperate measures have been taken. In the point we are all equal, none should be silenced. All need know this. Some are being, and so could you by the wrong people.
Yes it's beta, I'm still human in beta. A lesson of humanity and how to treat others needs to be learned in this world today. Look outside. I'm that thorn in my corner of the world. We all do what we do, and I do much. I choose humanity and equality points over such topics as mentioned before.
My apologies you got caught in the middle. Maybe we can all learn something from this, no? After all, we are a "chain", so why is any link left behind ~
@herpetologyguy Sincerely, @iLoveUpvotes ~


You should be left behind because you're nothing but a spammer who uses racist terminology and cannot control his feeble mind and actions.

It's time for you to create a new account and move on, I will not be stopping my bots I have flagging your posts and comments.

When you call someone a n****r you get no fucking sympathy, so fuck off. This is your last chance to stop posting and move on before I kick things up a notch.

Sorry I don't talk to inbred hillbillies like yourself. Actions speak louder than words. You'll see!

Oh this is gonna be fun! Thankfully I have MANY accounts and killing yours is automated so no skin off my back. Enjoy! I know I will!!