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RE: Possibilities Of Advanced Extraterrestrial Civilization

in #science7 years ago

The issue isnt really one of if life exists in other galaxies or not, humanity will never be able to leave its local cluster, a collection of galaxies of which includes the milky way and andromeda, that severly cutsour chances by a whole lot.

Then again, the vastness of space is often times underated, space is really big, really really big and empty. The chances of meeting a life on another planet is astronomically low, the chances of meeting intelligent life should be tending towards 0.

Thats not to say they do not exist, but even if humans had 1000 years to find anything, theres a very good chance we would find nothing.

Another problem is time and speed.

We all know looking at lights in the sky actually tell a story, a story from the past, since light takes time to transverser through space./

If welook and find a civilization, chances are theve either moved out, died off, or ssomething else.

Who knows, maybe an intelligent civilization is currently looking at the light from earth ages past now, he probably is seeing a very primitive homo erectus or something.


Well said bro. And also, there is a possibility of an infinite number of universe (or multiverse as the case may be). That could explain why we haven't been able to pinpoint an ET colony