Join Me For My First HalotherapyTreatment At The 5 Star Salt Caves!!

in #science7 years ago (edited)

5 Star Salt Caves

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

As many know, it's been a very stressful time in my life and many would exclaim "first world problems." More than likely that is what this might be but it doesn't feel very good. I moved for a good job six hours south, and found land. I made an offer on the land and had to back out to come back north to help family with health issues. So, yeah life had a redirect and I'm working with it since I'm one of those souls that is used to total upheaval and adjusts accordingly.

This does not mean that I am less stressed or do not need a break, which is why when I called up one of my fellow Reiki Master Teacher friends she recommended this amazing place. Something you may not know is that for an empath salt is grounding exponentially. In other words it helps the average person a lot but for an empath it works thousands of times more for healing, clearing, and grounding.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Of all places I found this cute article in the Huffington Post regarding empaths and salt, they stated salt water but also how salt is a disinfectant as we all know. Anyhoo, due to the high stress in my life and taking on as the “strength” for members in my family while they undergo hospital treatment, and moving I needed a serious dose of clearing and grounding.

As soon as I walked into the establishment there was pure Himalayan salt everywhere that included candle holders, lamps, figurines, salt shakers, bags of raw salt for sale and more. I felt at ease right away, minus the snooty people I was surrounded with and I'm not sure they liked that I had coupon. Yes, I am one of those. If I don't have a coupon with me I have some sort of discount. That's just how I roll.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

It must have been all those years in NYC where I ran with all my girlfriends to the sample sales and came away with a $1,200 USD purse for $15 USD, those were the days! I have even been dubbed a JAP by my closest Jewish girlfriends. This loving term amongst only the honorary stands for Jewish American Princess. Go figure, half Native American girl like me ... like I said, honorary. JAP refers to never payine full price, like ever.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

There was plenty of amethyst around for healing and selenite, which is my favorite healing stone. Selenite is also made out of salt just in case you were wondering and is a great clearing and grounding mineral to have around too. If you’ve read any of my other posts you know all about it, since I pretty much swear by selenite.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

This lion salt lamp caught my attention since I'm a Leo and my birthday is coming up, but $80 USD was not capturing my wallet's attention. Especially since I got a text alert this very morning telling me someone had got ahold of my ATM card number and attempted to charge $200 USD on it from Walmart. Thankfully, I have fraud alert and the card was cancelled with no harm done. Hackers suck big time!

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

There were these cool crystal water decanters available that I had never seen before, my curiosity is peaked to know if they work. This one that read "balance" was especially interesting to me, because we all need a little help with this one.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Who doesn't need to feel that sunny morning feeling on those hard to deal with days or just to bring that happy feeling within to share with others. Those yellow stones looked particularly sublime.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

If people are putting gems in their water I'm wondering what will be next. First we had the fruit craze, then the vegetables, and now gems. The one above is for fitness, I can't help but think how pretty it looks but does it really work?

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

The wellness or healing bottle looked really nice to me too. Amethyst is in my very own healing wand that I inherited from my great great grandmother. If I had tons of cash I could see myself gifting these to a ton of people, including my Steemit family.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

I'd never heard that emerald stones are for vitality but now this makes me wonder. I may try to do this at home, but you know how there's always some warning label on things telling us never attempt it at home? Part of me tells me don't do it but I may just have to try this one ... shhh

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Before going into the cave the attendants have us sit in a waiting area and ask us to wear white socks before entering the cave. We are then allowed to drink water from their gem filtered water. To be quite honest, I've had better water but then again I'm under a lot of stress. I'm up for trying the gem filtered water again in the future.

Of course, as I was taking photos I spilled some of my water on the floor and we were asked to not bring the water into the cave. Oops! But, I ran to the bathroom and grabbed paper towels and cleaned it up. I’m not the type to just leave my mess for others to clean up.

The attendant led us into the cave and ...

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

the doorway was opened for us, although slightly dark with the lamps lit you can see the walls are embedded with huge slabs of Himalayan salt. There isn't a strong smell but your skin gets covered with a thin layer of salt right away.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

The place literally glows with soft light and an invitation to allow your worries ease away and relax.
Photo taken by @eaglespirit

The ambience is lovely and a wisp of air flutters through the room, it was obvious the small group was welcoming this experience.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Funny thing is there was a small blurb about a Salt Goddess being invited to this location and well, I'm open to these sort of things but I didn't realize the entire situation before entering. This made a lot of sense to me after I spent an hour quite literally sitting in salt at the 5 Star Salt Caves. I’ll tell you more about the Salt Goddess later.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

We were all rushed in to walk through heaping piles of salt and sit in these comfortable chairs with blankets. The room was dark and meditation music was playing over the loud speakers. Salt was drifting everywhere, but the particles can only be seen through the camera. Fortunately, I wasn't spooked but only a little uncomfortable since I typically enjoy being alone in these types of situations.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

There were about six of us in the room and that was about five too many, in my heightened state of stress I can hear every sound and feel most emotions so this pretty much makes me grit my teeth. Breathing in and out with deep meditative centering, closing my eyes and following the beat of the music along with a good set of earplugs helped me get to a semi relaxed state.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

After the session, this was me in my chair and blankie. I had to make sure to capture a shot for you all to see I wasn't foolin' ya! I really did get a small sec to relax and enjoy the healthy remedy of salt.

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

This is the actual large granules of Himalayan salt in my hand and if there weren't so many folks around I would have laid in it, yeah that's me I will let that salt take it all away for me. Hey, that's what it's there for and if it wasn't for the fact that people may have thought I was cray I just may have done it.


According to 5 Star Salt Caves Halotherapy benefits is as follows:

Halotherapy clears pollens, viruses, pollutants, and toxins out of the lungs, and nasal passageways thus preventing illness. Your respiratory tract will feel rejuvenated with the regular use of Halotherapy.
Salt has a strongly neutralizing effect on EM radiation, such as the radiation emitted by computers, TVs, cell phones and many other devices in our modern society. Salt therapy creates an atmosphere that furthers the deep relaxation of the human organism.
Salt crystal stones produce air that is saturated with negative ions, which are crucial for a healthy body and bring joy and an uplifting feeling into our hearts and lives. They neutralize positive ions from toxic air that can cause headaches, lethargy, dizziness, nausea, depression, indigestion problems, irritability and other health problems.
Inside the salt cave, only one vibration-pattern is predominant: The natural vibration of the Himalayan rock salt. The human body resonates with this vibration and this can improve your state of health significantly after only a few sessions.

Interestingly, the National Library of Medicine proclaims Halotherapy is:

The assessment of results achieved in the investigated patients with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathy, after a specific halotherapy treatment, indicates the triggering of an anti-inflammatory (including anti-allergic mechanisms) mechanism and a decreasing trend of the inflammatory process. There is also an indication that this therapy helps with nerves regeneration.

Session Pricing (at this location) 50 minutes: $35, but I got a Groupon for $21.

The session timeframe was enough time to try this therapy out and I was able to take a video of it, although slightly dark (it is a cave), but if you have a 'puter that can lighten it up you can see the salt floating all around. The music was soothing and if you believe in this sort of thing I felt the energy around my lower back, legs, feet, and ankles the most. Full healing energy was flowing through body and then my third eye. It was powerful stuff.

Video taken by @eaglespirt

The Salt Goddess approached me and told me a couple of things, good thing I’m used to hearing other Beings or I might’ve lost it. Her sweet female voice asked me to relax and all is well. She told me that all my people are with me, that I am on the right path, and they will never leave me. They have been by my side the whole time and to just let the negative energy go. By the time l got out of my chair I was feeling relieved and glowing. She really is a sweet Goddess.

If you are ever in need of a stress relief or bronchial healing check out this other avenue of connecting with the mineral salt. These caves are popping up everywhere so do a Google search and make a visit today! Peace.

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine woman in-training, first time blogger since November 2017, (right here on Steemit), paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the spirit world. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday, so if you are interested in receiving a Native American blessing stop by my blog every Monday, or just say hello! See you soon, @eaglespirit


Oh that must have been amazing. I have been yearning to take a day trip to Glenwood to go to the vapor caves and the hot springs. I really need to get balanced again and well grounded. I can tell things are off. I hate it when I take on other's feelings. I know that I am not grounded well enough when that happens.

funny thing is i never really get grounded there at glenwood. this place i did, although with too many ppl around didn't help me get completely there ... oh well, this and meditation will help! going to the hot springs sunday night after the moving ... its a full month of moving and wont be moved into the new place until aug 1. eeekk

I felt good after the hot springs but not really grounded. A couple of friends suggeted the vapor caves. If I had the time to head to Denver I would definitely check that place out. I would love just to spend a couple of hours up on the Mesa by one of the lakes.

let me clarify i dont go to the hot springs in glenwood due to chlorine content. i go elsewhere for my healing waters. i go to ceremony in the caves. ive written a couple of posts about it. salt is the only thing that really helps to ground me and dirt. 😂🤣😂🤣

those mesa at the lakes are interesting, i wrote about them too. at the mesa i felt free, at hanging lake i heard the drums and singing. where are you located? grand junction? there are interesting places there too. i recently found that valley between 70 and i think 50? tons of parks and lakes. very lovely and peaceful.

there are special places everywhere :)

@eaglespirit Yes I'm in Grand Junction. I love going up on the Mesa. I could just sit there and be comfortable. I think that's why I'm feeling the pull to go. There are quite a few. We did the pool at Glenwood once. They have a new pool area where they're setup more like hot tubs in the side of the mountain. They fit 2 to 10 ppl (if I remember correctly so you get space from other people. I'm not sure if they use chlorine or not, I'll have to check. We did go to Orvis a couple of years ago stayed for a few days on the property so we could go out at anytime. 2am we're sitting next to one of the waterfalls staring at the sky it was so peaceful. That's the last vacation we've been able to take.

i hear ya about orvis, i only know of the pipe that came out of the wall, and no waterfall. i was just there after not visiting for about 2 years. they redid quite a bit and it looks grand. if you make it back you will definitely enjoy it.

@tryskele oh awesome, yeah i haven't done much on the mesas other than on top of the grand canyon and mesa verde, but even then i wanted to be down where the cliff homes were. but glad you feel something there! :)

The waterfall is man made in a couple the pools. Everything that supplies the pools comes out of that pipe. We've done Mesa Verde and did go down the the homes. I was so relaxed when we came home, but it was 3 days of being unplugged and we had such a wonderful time. Wherever I decided to just sit he let me, didn't pressure to keep going. We stayed at one of the cabins by the visitor's center. It's a nice break from everything.

Great post!!! Grounding in physical reality. If I kissed you all night long would that have the same effect?

@nokodemion thanks and em hmmmm LOL! not if you are a "demion" :p

WHAT an extraordinary place to visit and explore!
I have never heard of or seen a halo therapy or salt cave before- thanks for sharing this experience with us. It is definitely a haven I would love to visit one day.

@goldendawne oh thank you! i hope you are able to enjoy this experience yourself someday too. :)

Really cool! I've never gotten much into salt but it's always fascinated me. I just don't have that kind of expendable money(yet). Dog food usually claims all of that.

If people are putting gems in their water I'm wondering what will be next.

The world we live in. I'd actually like to try the gem water, if it was like 4% of the price. But yeah, I really wonder what direction we're heading. I might just start sticking random stuff in water and selling it. Maybe that way I can afford to try some gem water, lol

@herbertholmes oh so glad you could stop by and enjoy this post. it was qutie the experience. so sorry about the dog food and if i had pets that would prob prevent me too from a $21 visit! buahaahah re: random stuff in my water. that is so so cute and funny! yeahhhh and afford some gems waterssss woot!!

This is an excellent post my dear friend @eaglespirit :D

Thank you so much for sharing!!

I have a Himalayan salt lamp in the bathroom. I closed the door in the bathroom so that the steam of hot water makes me relax and I turn in my phone some classic music and wolaaaaaa, perfect relax like the spa.

Hope you family member feel better, positive energy fro you and your family!DSCF4241.JPG

@supernova55 wow how absolutely lovely this is, and what a beautiful regime you have too. much blessing to you for your continued peace and happiness.! xoxo

Much blessings, love, success, peace, health and many years of enjoying happiness forever. Yeah 🤗🍭🐼🐳🐛🦋💛🐾

@supernova55 awww you are so kind and i wish that and so much more for you!! xoxo

Thank you so much, my awesome friend @eaglespirit.

I hope you have a blessing week full of peace and successes.

:-DDSCF1704.JPGMuch love @supernova55

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holy crap, kill him! :)

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