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RE: Join Me For My First HalotherapyTreatment At The 5 Star Salt Caves!!

in #science7 years ago

i hear ya about orvis, i only know of the pipe that came out of the wall, and no waterfall. i was just there after not visiting for about 2 years. they redid quite a bit and it looks grand. if you make it back you will definitely enjoy it.

@tryskele oh awesome, yeah i haven't done much on the mesas other than on top of the grand canyon and mesa verde, but even then i wanted to be down where the cliff homes were. but glad you feel something there! :)


The waterfall is man made in a couple the pools. Everything that supplies the pools comes out of that pipe. We've done Mesa Verde and did go down the the homes. I was so relaxed when we came home, but it was 3 days of being unplugged and we had such a wonderful time. Wherever I decided to just sit he let me, didn't pressure to keep going. We stayed at one of the cabins by the visitor's center. It's a nice break from everything.

so i was saying and we were talking about mesa verde and i was giving my experience as far as mesa LOL
i preferred down below ... not the mesa. i'm wondering what you are feeling "on top of the mesa" that you say helps you. this may get lost in translation as we are commenting a lot.
there are no cabins by the visitor center (at least not anymore.) LOL
it's like we've been in places that are different but the same name ... weird! Mandala Effect Bwahahahahaah

@tryskele yeah there is no waterfall there just the big pipe in the big pool. LOL

I agree with the Mandala Effect LOL Most of my visiting places in Colorado have just been in the past 6 years. For some reason we didn't venture to the 'exotic' locations until my son graduated from high school. Hmm I might just do a post on Mesa Verde. We took quite a few pictures on that trip.

As far as feelings. No light pollution since is so far removed from the city. There was one spot we went to, It was amazing. You could look out over the valley, you could 'see' the Four Corner. It was like everything stood still, it was peaceful, a light hum. Everything in that moment seems right. Of course no pictures of that view I was preoccupied and the hubby was just sitting in the car LOL .

i'm not sure where you are describing right now?? LOL mesa verde?? hehe

@tryskele yeah right!!! the mandala is a crazy thing for sure. yeah my post on it was pretty wild! awhile ago and i'm visiting major sites this week so my next posts will be hot hot hot. :)