
Actually dinosaur prints show the huge beast walking and sometimes running, something elephants can't do today! The plant life was like a jungle all over the world, warm and moist, plants grew to gigantic sizes compared to our plant life today. Dragonflies were the size of seagulls! At this time scientist do not have an answer why the life of earths ancient past grew to huge sizes when compared to our largest land animals today.

But there is some interesting information about twin studies from NASA. Twin astronauts, one stayed home and the other one lived in the space station for one year. When he came home his DNA had changed and he was taller! Lack of gravity had done interesting things to the mans genes and body structure. That's why I think earths gravity was lighter in the past.

Some fascinating results have come out of the experiment. For one thing, Scott’s gut bacteria changed significantly while he was in space. And yes, he did experience genetic changes. The protective caps on the ends of his DNA strands — known as telomeres — increased while in space. But space didn’t permanently alter 7 percent of his DNA.

The protective caps on the ends of our telomeress wear off everytime a cell replicates. When the telomere reaches a certain length the cell automatically dies.

We don't age as fast living in space!