The Land Of Myth and Dinosaurs!

in #science7 years ago

Scotland The Isle Of Skye

A 200 Million Year Old Scottish Dinosaurs Left Footprints!

The Jurassic period was around 200 million years ago. It was a time of significant change and mass extinction. I think the mass extinction was triggered by massive dinosaurs farting, which caused a destructive climate change, which triggered the supercontinent called Pangaea to start breaking apart and forming the contents we know today. Dry inland deserts became flooded forming temperate wetlands and tropical forests. From the fossils found, they are rare; mammals started rapidly changing. Because of the rapid change of climate and land mass, it was either adapt or die out for life here on earth.

Footprints Found In The Isle Of Skye

Not only were mammals adapting and changing so were groups of dinosaurs like tyrannosaurs, stegosaurs, birds, and reptiles. I don’t think the farts of dinosaurs caused climate change and the splitting of contents. My guess is as good as anyone else’s guesses regarding our climate change caused by cow farts, and car exhausts that are claimed to be melting our northern and southern ice caps.

The dinosaurs left footprints were left on the shoreline of a Scottish island called the Isle of Skye. The prints were (2ft 3.5) across, scientists suggest the footprints were left by plant-eating sauropods. There are only a few sauropod footprints from the Middle Jurassic era found around the world from England, Portugal, Mexico, Morocco and the US.

When dinosaurs trekked across what is now Skye, it was not long after the supercontinent Pangaea had begun to split apart. At the time, the land had rivers, lagoons, and beaches, and it was much closer to the equator. “This was a subtropical kind of paradise world, probably kind of like Florida or Spain today,” Brusatte tells The Guardian. “[These prints] were made in a shallow lagoon – dinosaurs walking in very shallow water.”

The Guardian

Researchers measured, photographed and analyzed about 50 footprints in a tidal area at Brothers' Point, Rubha nam Brathairean, the headland on Skye's Trotterni found fossilized footprints were they were made, called “in situ” because they can get an idea how the animals lived. The footprints were made by the Breviparopus and Parabrontopdus groups which were primitive sauropods with narrow hips and thumb claws front feet and straight digits on their back feet. Researchers used drones set with cameras to catch images and help model of the dinosaur fossilized footprints.

It’s impossible to know the exact species of dinosaur from footprints alone, but the sauropods who made them likely measured up to (49ft 2.5) 15 meters in length and weighed more than 10,000 pounds. These were some of the largest terrestrial animals of the Middle Jurassic era. The tracks laid by the theropods were made by several medium-to-large specimens, about five to six meters long and weighing a ton.

Gizmodo Jurrassic Era

As I wrote in my previous article about gravity and the dinosaur paradox scientist believed sauropods were too heavy to live on land and spent most of their time in water deep enough to support their huge bulk. The largest land animal today is an elephant, and they move slowly because of their bulk. Plus there is the problem with blood pressure with that long neck. To solve the problem scientist had suggested the dinosaurs never raised their head above their heart because they found dinosaurs moved on land away from deep water when new evidence was found.

With this new finding in the Isle of Skye, everyone is scrambling trying to figure out how these large animals moved around the land as well as “shallow” swampy areas.

The study carried out by the University of Edinburgh, Staffin Museum and Chinese Academy of Sciences, was published in the Scottish Journal of Geology. It was supported by a grant from the National Geographic Society, and subsidiary funding from the Association of Women Geologists, Derek and Maureen Moss, Edinburgh Zoo and Edinburgh Geological Society.Paige dePolo, who led the study, researched while an inaugural student in the University's Research Master's degree programme in paleontology and geobiology.

BBC News

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"The largest land animal today is an elephant, and they move slowly because of their bulk"

Sorry just wanted to point out elephants have been clocked at 15mph supposedly can run up to 25 mph not exactly slow

Im hoping to visit later this year.

Actually scientists really thought elephants couldn’t run, that is all feet are off the ground....this is a funny article about this huge philosophical question😆😆😆

Scientifically speaking, there are a number of ways to tell whether an animal runs. The classic definition is that running happens when all feet are off the ground during each stride. Recall the famous stop-motion pics taken by 19th century photographer Eadweard Muybridge. He showed that when running, horses lift all four legs simultaneously between

I was right with new scientific findings I admit I’m wrong😁😘

Sorry im not sure about the run not run situation as you point out to run means to lift all limbs of the ground I just used the term freely as in to move fast.
Was just addressing the matter of speed itself.
25 mph are the older stats
15 mph around is what they have been clocked at according to recent studies (dont think they managed to just happen to come across the fastest elephant on earth :)
But even the 15 mph thats not far of double the speed of an athlete running the marathon.

I wish the original charlatans didn't ruin so much evidence and concoct such stupid stories that we now have to live with.

The age of dinosaurs is not that old.

Modern science likes to believe we are the most advanced humans have ever been. That it has been one long climb down from the trees and up the scientific ladder.

But, it has not been the case.

We are like the 10th advanced civilization on this planet.
And the earth has changed greatly and drastically.
So much so that we will probably never find anything from just 2 epochs ago. (3 advanced civilizations ago)

Why do we have tales of George and the Dragon?
Probably because there were still great lizards only a thousand years ago.

The ruins in Egypt have carvings of dinosaurs.

So, this linear progress thing will be thrown out soon, and then maybe we can get to really looking at our history.

No one wants to admit they were wrong, the latest news on Neanderthals ...they aren’t beast?

So, once again, new facts are changing the way we look at the past. The first depictions of Neanderthals shortly after the prototypical specimen was dug up in Germany's Neander Tal gorge in 1856 were definitely not the kind of person that you'd want in your neighborhood. A 1909 depiction based on the examination of a complete skeleton by the French paleontologist Marcellin Boule showed a stooped, club-carrying brute. Recent reconstructions show that they weren't really much more apelike than the early modern humans, who began appearing in Europe about 30,000 years ago.

I'm a dinosaur, RAAAWR!

You like this topic, wow that's nice to hear my dear friend, this is one of the best topic I also like! Actually I never thought about the gravity and how these long neck animals were lived at that time! Therefore this is a new topic to me (Once you talked about this in-detailed)
Great and amazing work my dear friend! We got a new Dino movie in this year too :D


I had the most amazing dream about dinosaurs two nights ago! They were just hanging out in farm country! I agree that the dinosaurs had nothing to do with their extinction, nor do average humans driving cars running on oil-- which does NOT come from dinosaur rot, people!-- have anything to do with climate change now. There IS corporate/government caused climate altering and weather warfare that IS very serious and must be interrupted. The sun is what determines climate change on the earth and the carbon tax pushing billionaires are using false science to limit human freedoms. Thanks for the wonderful article on the Scotland piece of the dinosaur puzzle, intriguing! And uplifting for me today!

Falls over in her chair giggling! You got my little joke @dakini5d, I love you! We all can fart without guilt now. The carbon tax is a tax on life, it is a global tax that goes along with one administration managing, monetizing and owning everything this world. Oil is not made from plant or animal matter, it's called Abiogenic petroleum....hehehe

I want to go to the Isle of Skye, drink some whisky and look for dinosaur footprints someday @dakini5d, I will give you a call before I go and we can explore and enjoy the water of life together.

I have thought up stories as a young girl, just daydreaming of riding a feathered dinosaurs. We didn't age the way we do today and we all were a lot taller...just like the plants and dinosaurs ....

Maybe I should revisit my drawings and stories I created as a child...

@reddust perfect share. In my opinion, Science has never revealed the disappearance of other prehistoric species. scientists are taking a warmer look at having come from outside the world.

@turkishcrew, scientist are working from small bits and pieces of the past and putting these puzzles together the best they can...

Climate scientist have a hard time predicting our weather three days out, I seriously question their man made climate change data gathering methods and computer models.

A very accurate detection..

I don't think these animals were ever existed.
I was looking into the calculations of the liquid pressure for the blood to reach the head of the brontosaurus for example.
By the calculations it is simple impossible.
Maybe if the Gravity was much weaker.

If our gravity was different there wouldn't be a problem...But you are right, how could these animals exist in our gravity? Some scientist, in fact many have asked this question. Some think our atmosphere was different, the structure of the animlas body was full of air sacs and their bones were hollow...but some really good scientist did the math and have questioned everything they know about dinosaurs.

AH! awesome post. Two things I love most, paleontology and geology! Isle of Skye is such a fascinating place for geology, pretty neat find there <3

Another reason to visit Skye besides their wonderful Whisky ;-)

If I was a dinosaur I would be a little cute T-rex with a shape of potato!

You could do a cartoon series on this @sadpotato, do it, do it, DO IT!

Fine, easy! It's my dinosaur! I challenge you to a cartoonish dinosaur painting battle!
But are you sure you can beat me in my amazing painting skills!? Ha! Not so fast!


On the day of the extinction event it was late in the afternoon when the comet struck. There was a miasma of methane (a very volatile greenhouse gas) in the atmosphere. When the comet struck it ignited the gas scorching the lungs of all the dinosaurs on earth, killing them. Yes, this is how it happened.

I guess the largest dinosaur ever found was discovered in Scotland. Maybe his was the fart that broke the camels back. "cept there were no camels.

And the issue of gravity? A non-issue. The dinosaurs had evolved into a very efficient creature. 90% of the gas they generated was stored within the bowel giving each dinosaur a sort of buoyancy or lift which counterbalanced gravity.

Perhaps we could write scientific papers and get them published. Blessings.

Not quite proven is it many reasnoble theories out there.

Hahaha....priceless ❤️🙏

Aerodactyles were and still are my favourite dinosau... dinobirds ??

or idk

They are super cool !

They are super cool, imagine having one of those for your pet....they remind me of dragons!

Yeah it would be so cool.

But so dangerous at the same time :)

If we raised them from eggs, we would have a bonded with the Aerodactyles if they are like any of our avian friends. They would be like a big turkey following us around and wanting to cuddle all the time. I raised turkey chicks from eggs and they are one of the most cuddly birds I have ever raised!

That is true actually :)

You just made aerodactyles 10x more awesome :D

Let me enjoy your write without flagging :D. More tech will bring more un-discover things on earth. I will a new thing on how the people understand about the past (million years ago) and hopefully they will be able to predict the future as well...thank for the chance of reading your blog @reddust


Thank you @el-nailul, I only flag people who spam post with meaningless comments and cut and paste their comments from someone elses work.

According to the study the dinosaurs got to such huge size that they can barley walk and eat, maybe it were really the farts that killed them if they were so un adaptable

Actually dinosaur prints show the huge beast walking and sometimes running, something elephants can't do today! The plant life was like a jungle all over the world, warm and moist, plants grew to gigantic sizes compared to our plant life today. Dragonflies were the size of seagulls! At this time scientist do not have an answer why the life of earths ancient past grew to huge sizes when compared to our largest land animals today.

But there is some interesting information about twin studies from NASA. Twin astronauts, one stayed home and the other one lived in the space station for one year. When he came home his DNA had changed and he was taller! Lack of gravity had done interesting things to the mans genes and body structure. That's why I think earths gravity was lighter in the past.

Some fascinating results have come out of the experiment. For one thing, Scott’s gut bacteria changed significantly while he was in space. And yes, he did experience genetic changes. The protective caps on the ends of his DNA strands — known as telomeres — increased while in space. But space didn’t permanently alter 7 percent of his DNA.

The protective caps on the ends of our telomeress wear off everytime a cell replicates. When the telomere reaches a certain length the cell automatically dies.

We don't age as fast living in space!

Thanks for sharing 👍
