I've actually been thinking about that quiet a lot lately.
I've come to the conclusion that living on a boat would not be significantly different than the way I live now, or have been for the last thirty years.
think about it...how often do you 'go outside'...away from artificial constructions?
Most people leave their climate controlled homes...get into their climate controlled vehicles (manytimes it's in a garage)...drive to work ...park in a garage....spend all day in a climate controlled building...
wash...rinse and repeat..
how different would that be from living on a boat?
or a ship.
or seastead..?
(artificial island?...or perhaps think outside the box?)
That's an absolutely fascinating point and for many people it will not make such a huge difference as long as their basic needs are met. The only thing missing from my weekly routine would be a place to walk the dog and a place to go hiking. But still, instead of driving out of the city for a hike, one would take their boat to shore. And if the boat/barge is large enough, walking the dog might not be such a problem. You could have a floating barge city and I've seen futurists talk about the inevitability of floating cities in the future.
And we know living on a boat is absolutely doable, there are people working on cruise ships that do that for months. I have musician friends who have spent a significant portion of their adult lives at sea (more than they have on land actually for some).
there are 42,000 abandoned Oil Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico...
just sitting there..
bigger than apartment buildings...and that's just the hundred foot or so that's above the water..
some of the very best fishing in the Gulf is at those abandoned oil rigs..
and then there's this.
I think this is the technology the futurists were hoping for.
It's not a new technology.
Today in Indonesia..the sea nomads.
in ancient times
sea people
Well, let's call it a new level to the old one then ;) But yeah, that's quite interesting!
Old skiboat...built in the seventies. They are available for CHEAP. (free even)
17 ft. long..7ft wide..(119 sq ft.)
imagine you remove everything but the hull. Those old fiberglass hulls are eternal.
ve haff ze technology....rebuild.
something like this for example
ditch the ICE (internal combustion engine)...go solar.
imagine the possibilities.
I think you might enjoy this then: