
hmm...This is deep. I enjoyed your facts. thanks for sharing.

i thank you for reading my article @omonosa :)

Lots of crazy stuff definitely going on there. Tons of conspiracy theories involving them too. Like the mandela effect and inter-dimensional orbs.

yeah, right, i read an article about the mandela effect and it is strange. a few words i thought, that they was right for a long time, wasnt... that confused me. i think we will never know, what of the conspiracys are true or not...

Just depends on what you would consider proof. If you are looking to find proof of something that was different according to your memory, you will find nothing. For the way things are here, are the way they have always been. This is the biggest flaw in what people believe to be the mandela effect.
Rather than changing subtle differences in spellings and logos, the mandela effect to me is what happens when another dimension similar to ours is opened and the two merge.
So the people native to this timeline will remember things as they are now, while the people who have transferred consciousness to this timeline, from a separate one, will remember things the way they were in their old version of their timeline.
I believe there are many timelines, some very similar and some vastly different, all depending on actions since the beginning. I believe cern is able to open portals to similar dimensions currently, but not fully capable of what they want to achieve yet. I also know this kind of stuff sounds loony to most people ;)

like my thoughts and beliefs in multidimensions with different time lines. our thoughts are not far away from what is possible...
CERN-scientist Sergio Bertolucci:

Only for the time-moment of 10 to 26 seconds, the door can be opened to another dimension, then it closes again. There is no risk to the stability of our world.

In the search box I just type in any possible word affected by this. This and old newspaper articles are great for showing residue from old timelines.
I mean surely there can't be hundreds of incorrect spellings in newspapers and jeopardy clues.Lately I've been using to find more timeline changes.

i will also try this with old newspapers and a new dictionary. thank you for this ;)

Thank you for the links to original articles, Cern pushes on for the answers, and I like the Melbourne blogger's "looking to see if anti matter falls up". Gravity is so week, it is impossible (so far) to measure the gravitational force acting on subatomic particles in the grip of much stronger forces.

You added some interesting ideas.

You're last par makes it a troll of science looking for conspiracy theories. Please don't do that.

I think we have not understood the gravitation in their senses. maybe we need a change in thinking, an evolutionary way. in my opinion, there is still the old schema. I'm actually just someone who is interested in these topics, maybe today science is already in a transition and I do not know yet, i dont know.... cern is also very controversial but I think cern will bring us many more understandings in the future.

and yes, you are right, maybe I should not mix science and conspiracy.

Scientists are full of it. Complicating things for nothing. Her is my simple theory.
The universe/s is the interaction between a one infinite programmer/processer I like to call it OIPP and very small building blocks that exist everywhere. All what OIPP has to do is change the information, like what you are looking at right now. If you click new tab you just changed the information on the screen. Soooo if OIPP click create X poom x is there. If OIPP clicks Delete x, pooom x is gone. OIPP is one and must be one and infinite and must be so.

in this case is OIPP God?
theorys about, that our universe is an incredibly complex computing system (a matrix?) are there and some scientists consideration this...

God is an old fashioned name. Oipp sound modern.