Help - I think I am becoming a Flat Earther!

in #science8 years ago

The Flat Earth theory has been gathering momentum substantially over the last year, but if it is such a crackpot notion how is it that hundreds of intelligent people are now advocating this idea?

Three months ago I was introduced to the theory by a friend and have since then been watching a huge number of Youtube films on this subject. I am a very open minded person with a top UK education and when presented with something like this, rather than just write it off as a joke, I do my own research and make my own decisions.

I am struggling now because it was my firm intention to disprove this theory rather than have my whole understanding of the 'Universe' as I know it completely shattered. And yet the more I research I do, the less I believe in our conventional model of a globe earth.

A quick overview of the some of the points I am stuck on

I wholehearted encourage you to respond to these in order that I may move on from this madness!

  • Where are the unphotoshopped images of our planet and satelites in space? Google 'planet earth from space' or 'satellite in space' and all you will find is clearly photoshopped images. Even NASA admit they photoshop all Earth & satellite pictures before letting us see them. But why can't we just see them as they are?

  • Where are photographs of the earths curvature from space - WHICH DO NOT USE A WIDE ANGLE/FISH-EYE LENS? Even on my basic Gopro attached to my drone, from 500m altitude I can easily give the appearance of curvature. But in reality, it is lens distortion. The only way to know for sure how the horizon line looks is to have it exactly in the centre of the image, at which point it looks flat. But all the pics on the internet have the horizon at the top of the shot, which will ALWAYS give the appearance of curvature using a wide lens.

  • How is it that there are hundreds of people posting films on Youtube showing their results of long distance photography or video looking out over the sea? When the distance of the objects they focus on is measured, the results don't make sense. The objects should be beneath the horizon line, yet time and time again, people are proving that they are still completely visible. That being said, some of them appear to show a small amount of dip in the curvature, but nothing like what it should be based on curvature charts. As a quick example, the Statue of Liberty in New York stands 326 feet above sea level and on a clear day can be seen as far as 60 miles away. If the Earth were a globe, that would put Lady Liberty at 2,074 feet below the horizon.

  • The Antarctic Treaty - This is the longest lasting treaty in history. If you are not aware of this treaty it was signed in 1959 by 12 countries shortly after the last military exploration of the region and has since then been adopted by many more. It states that no country can exploit this region for the vast amount of natural resources there. And no tourists or explorers can enter Antartica unless prior agreement has been made, and only with military guides can they go up to 30 miles inland. Why no further? You can see below what a Flat Earther's answer to this question would be. Coz they will bump into the wall of the dome which encases us all!

  • Why do rainbows appear in the shape of a dome?

Robbie George/National Geographic/Getty Images

  • Surveyors, engineers and architects have (apparently!) never been required to factor the curvature of the Earth into their projects. So canals, railways, bridges and tunnels are always cut and laid horizontally, often over hundreds of miles without any allowance for curvature. How can this be?

  • If we were living on a ball, airplanes would have to constantly dip their nose in order to avoid flying off into space. But speaking to pilot friends of mine, to put it plainly... they don't dip their noses. So, how can this be?

  • In the ball-Earth model Antarctica is an ice continent which covers the bottom of the ball from 78 degrees South latitude to 90 and is therefore not more than 12,000 miles in circumference. Yet early explorers including Captian Cook and James Clark Ross, in attempting Antarctic circumnavigation took 3 to 4 years and clocked 50-60,000 miles around. The British ship Challenger also made a complete circumnavigation of Antarctica traversing 69,000 miles. Please explain this?

  • On a ball-Earth, Johannesburg to Perth should be a straight shot over the Indian Ocean with convenient re-fueling possibilities on Mauritus or Madagascar. In actual practice however, most Johannesburg to Perth flights curiously stop over either in Dubai, Hong Kong or Malaysia all of which make no sense on a globe earth, but are completely understandable when looking at a flat earth.

  • Polaris, situated directly over the North Pole, should not be visible anywhere in the Southern hemisphere. For Polaris to be seen from the Southern hemisphere of a globe Earth, the observer would be looking through the Earth itself, meaning that miles of land and sea would have to be transparent. Polaris can be seen, however, up to over 20 degrees South latitude.

  • A 1000 year old map was discovered, after being hidden away in a Japanese Buddhist Temple for many years. This begs the question, how was this map created at a time when to do so would have been impossible? This is a particularly pertinent question because it so clearly depicts the continents we are familiar with... But more importantly what are those other continents beyond the circular ring of Antartica?

I have a great many more questions I would love to get sensible answers to, but for now will leave it at this.

My feeling is that we may well live on a ball but the dimensions of this ball are much larger than we are being told.

So, I would very much appreciate your comments in assisting me back to my understanding that Planet Earth is a ball floating in space, situated somewhere in the Milky Way!

Many thanks for your time.


I get so pissed when I see this stuff. Being an anarchist means that many of my peers are Flat Earthers. I have had to unfollow their Facebook posts.

I am just looking for answers to some of these questions. No doubt there are logical responses? Though apparently no one wants to take a stab at any of them.

And in my humble opinion, it's better to not get pissed off because people have different opinions. I would find myself getting pissed off rather a lot if I lived like that. Bear in mind I am a sungazer who doesn't wear shoes, has no fixed address, didn't vaccinate my baby and feed him a vegan diet. So yeah, people get angry with me all the time, but that's because I don't live my life the way they do. I just try not to take it personally :)

Hope you don't unfollow me! The article was posed as a question. Not a statement.

Only ancaps are flat Earthers

its not photo shopped its false color. How well can you see radio waves? Can you tell the difference between 901nm and 901.1nm light that well?

I appreciate your comment but have watched an interview with NASA 'scientist' who clearly explains his process, which most certainly involves photoshop. And you only have to look at some of the earth images to see the obvious copy/paste cloud formations.

there are many interviews with nasa scientists..........
GPS proves you wrong nice try though

I think you misunderstand the purpose of my post. I am not trying to prove anything. I am asking questions. Which no one has answered :(

Photoshop is commonly used to crop you are not providing enough specifics with that.

Used to crop??!! Do some research on this and then get back to me. I can assure you it is used for far more than this. The most famous image of earth, known as 'blue marble' and used as one of the default iphone screensavers, was created by NASA's Robert Simmon who plainly admits it was created in photoshop based on data.

mfw he literally takes the data and changes the colors slightly to make it look better

mfw you literally say "based on data" and "not real" together

btw false color would fall into that

I still would like a source on that statement, I'm 99% sure you just made it up.

I'm literally going into cosmology so I probably have done far more research than you already

It is not my intention to antagonise you. I am just sharing what I have learned about how images of earth are created.

To quote the article I am about to give you: 'The problem, Simmon said, is all the NASA earth-observing satellites are in low-earth or geostationary orbit, meaning none of them are far enough away to see a full hemisphere. The most familiar pictures of the entire Earth are from the 1960s and 1970s Apollo missions to the moon.'

So, when you read the article you will see that he uses photoshop a large amount in his process.

To quote you 'Photoshop is commonly used to crop' and I am simply letting you know that my limited research has led me to believe it is used for more than just cropping.

Enjoy the article and I sincerely wish you the best with your career in cosmology.

so I'm just going to ignore that source entirely

also....... heres a video from the time of carl sagan

the pale blue dot picture was taken wayyyyy before apple even existed btw
and the picture above is the pale blue dot btwwww

also what is wrong with stichtingtogether strips of data from a satellite that is too close to Earth to take a whole picture.

also just like up the millions of hubble pictures, it would take a hundred thousand people working full time just to fake them lmao

also real question

just because an apple background is made with photoshop......the earth is flat?

what the fuck tho

Your very first words to me were 'its not photo shopped' and you were '99% sure' I was lying to you. You asked for my source and I gave it to you. Yet now that you stand corrected, instead of saying sorry you have become aggressive.

All I wanted was for someone to answer my questions in the post and you (nor anyone for that matter) has been able to do that. Thank you for your time. I wish you all the best.

you said the pale blue dot picture was photoshopped and the picture was not the pale blue dot how retarded can you be?

I was completely correct

"omg the earth on my iphone background is fake it must be flat"


this answers some of the questions you have raised.

Thanks. This did help a bit :) I've watched plenty of these debunkers already.

Still hoping to invest in a camera lens long enough to shoot my own tests over flat water. It should be easy enough using measurements from google earth and curvature charts to see if there is something fishy going on here ;)

If curvature charts are correct I won't be able to see small fishing boats at 5 miles, for they will be 16 feet under the horizon line. I will publish my results here on steemit of course :)

Thank you for not being rude or offensive at me after bringing up this unusually provocative subject.

Link: The Flat Earth Theory Debunked, The Complete Guide

Perhaps more compelling, however, is the argument of The Electric Universe versus Quantum Mechanics with all of it's non-existent "virtual" particles...

I have watched many debunk films already, this one included and they don't seem to help me much. But I certainly agree that the Electric Universe is a wonderfully interesting topic which I will no doubt bring up in a future post.

The electric universe theory has also trouble to answer a few comments. That's where their followers have started ad hominem attacks instead of trying to find satisfactory answers to those questions. I do not remember where I read that, but this can probably be found easily on the web.

During a lunar eclipes the earth is casting a shadow on the moon. This shadow always has the same curvature. The only geometrical body which always casts a round shadow is a sphere (no matter the position of the light source).

Nice answer. Thanks :)

there's just that whole... gravity issue lmfao

Yes, gravity is a common argument to account for the answer to some of these questions, but doesn't help much with others...

It's round, here's a proof. No photoshop, you can take my word for it )

Not sure if you're being serious or not? But this is clearly a hill taken from ground level where curvature would be impossible to see?

its as convincing as your pictures

Really Interesting :)

Thanks. It's a huge subject and very interesting indeed. I could write for pages and pages on this! Tried to keep this one short as not to put people off. Still hoping to get some sensible answers to my questions...

It's tough to find absolute truth on this one. All we can do is research research research and base our decision on instinct once the research done. Thanks for the music video :)

Terry Pratchett was right! Discworld rules!

Many ancient cultures also believed we lived on a disc. I guess this is what Pratchett based the idea on?

No, Pratchett was great joker. Take look at Color of Magic movie

Ah, I see! I will take a look at the film. Thanks :)

There's nothing wrong with questions. I've seen the curvature of the globe simply looking out to sea and watching ships come into and disappear from view. I've seen it in photos of the horizon I have taken. I'm amazed this alternative view gets so much traction.

Thanks for your comment. I wish I could say that I have seen it myself. Every time i am in a plane now I look out the window, but all i see is a flat horizon. Indeed, it is pretty amazing how much traction this is getting. The films on Youtube are never-ending and still being produced every day. It's hard to know reality from fiction sometimes! Do you have any pictures you could show me?

I'll try and dig one up for you! Also, think about how night and day would work on a flat Earth. Or the electromagnetic shielding of the Earth. Gravity has already been mentioned. I realise i'm not providing you with any evidence, just things to think about.

Perhaps one day Steemians can fund an experiment to prove once and for all that the Earth is a globe and that there is no edge. Might be fun!

That sounds like a great Steemit project in the making! Send a Steemit satellite up into space and record the whole journey till we can see the earth as a globe from a distance? Might need a bit of funding however :)

Lol when 1 steem is worth a million dollars, i think we'll be able to afford it. So we should be able to fire her up some time next year then?! ;)

Even on the three pictures though (especially the last one of the sea), you can see a small curve at the sides. Ofcourse the earth is way too huge to see any big curves, but for me these very pictures already show proof of it.

It's funny how the mind sees what it expects to see. I have been told by many that the curvature is visible from a plane, yet when I look now, all I see is a flat horizon :)

Great article! Walked around the theme, pro and contra.
Hollow Earth theory is also very interesting.

Yes, that's an interesting topic too. The deepest we have ever been able to drill is 9 miles, yet we are taught in school about the various layers leading to the molten core, with no hard evidence to prove this. Thanks for the comment :)

I'll try to put your mind at ease.
I ran into some flatearthers a couple of years ago so I started paying attention to the world around us from that perspective. Why do I believe that the earth is a globe? How do I prove that the earth is not flat? These were questions that I, shockingly, actually didn't have an answer to, beyond what I had learned in school, which doesn't usually constitute proof.
First off, let's ignore photo and video "evidence" because it is too easy to change to support either side of this argument.
Second, let's first take a look at the solar system, as flatearthers also say that the earth is the center of the universe and that the sun and planets orbit around the earth. This is easily shown to not be the case by the retrograde motion of the planets, which makes them appear to suddenly move in the opposite direction when viewed from the earth. This is only possible if the earth and all the other planets of our solar system orbit the sun. Going a little further with that thought then, I can't picture a bunch of flat pancakes orbiting the sun. And eclipses were already mentioned.
Third, trust your own observations. The curvature of the earth is easiest seen on the ocean, as in your statue of liberty example. When in Mexico, I saw a cruise ship on a clear and reasonably calm night steaming parallel to the Caribbean coast with one row of lights clearly, and steadily visible from the beach. With the flatearthers in mind, I ran up to our third floor room and had another look- now three rows of lights one above the other were clearly visible. I can only draw one conclusion. Earth's surface=curved.
I think this curvature could also be demonstrated by setting up a surveyors transit on a beach by the ocean, fix the crosshairs on the horizon, and as you turn the instrument far enough to either side the horizon should start dropping, demonstrating the curvature of the earth. I haven't actually tried this but in my imagination I can see it working, lol. If someone has a chance to do this experiment, please report back with the results.

Many thanks for your detailed response. As I said, I do believe there is some curvature, but not of the extent we are being told. I will, once I get my hands on a serious zoom lens, be able to carry out my own tests and post the results here :)

A great collection of questions!

Personally, I have no stance or "belief" on this. As with anything else that I cannot personally test, and which really has no effect on how I live my life, I just remain open to all possibilities.

What I will say is that it has the same patterns of division as people waking up to the violence of the state, GMOs, etc. Those who hold the newer belief far too often refer to those that don't as sheep, and look down on them for being sheep, while those who hold the old belief are always extremely combative and defensive, generally unwilling to do any research. This is probably the most interesting part to observe, as it shows that both sides are playing very cookie-cutter roles in these cognitive dissonance situations.

Moral of the story: Are you going to live your life every day any differently on a sphere or a disc?

Beautiful words my friend. Thank you. And as you say, it matters not what the truth is, only how I live my life day to day. Though I will say that having the belief that we are in fact the centre of the Universe, a kind of 'experiment of the gods' might have some impact on the way we live our lives.

That definitely makes sense. I guess my view on things is that every world, every organism, every level of this fractal universe is just as important, unique, and beautiful as the rest. Whether we're on a globe or a sphere, whether Earth is the physical center of the universe, or a ball spinning around another ball, spinning around the gravity well at the center of a galaxy, spinning around... and so on and so on. This world is a microcosm of the biggest picture, and the smallest picture, and we are blessed with the experience of it, the self-awareness to question our part in it, and the power to change ourselves, thereby in some small way changing all of it. Hot damn life is amazing! Thanks for the article, I'm always great-full for reading that is both enjoyable, and brings forth new thoughts, words, and appreciation from me :-)

You sound like a well balanced individual and I am most grateful for your interaction here. Thank you :)


haha! Interesting that no one here has actually answered my questions. I wonder why?

You may not be aware but I am a rather unconventional person in that I don't wear shoes, stare directly at the sun every morning, eat a vegan diet, fast regularly, practice Reiki & manifestation through thoughts. So, I am quite accustomed to knee-jerk responses.

All the best to you :)

We don't know what the reality is, but I'm sure that the crap they feed us with is not true. Just fancy animations from Nasa, like in video games. Everybody can do this. I'm kind of in favor of flat earth and no gravity, but what do I know. I'm just poor guy on steemit.

Thanks for your comment. And yes, there are so many lies going on, why not this too? Don't worry about being poor. You will be rich soon enough, when Steem does what Bitcoin is doing :)

It is not only the NASA. You have space agencies from all over the world. You have satellites taking pictures from those space agencies, but also from private companies.Etc...

Please show me just one of these pictures. And state its source.

There are many of them. Check the website of the ESA, the Russian space agency, the Chinese space agency, or the very recent images of the GOES-16 satellite (there were several posts on that on steemit recently). I could make a list of links, but just google those and you will find the exact same list (and I am actually in a hurry :p).

There are also pictures probably available on the spacex website, I guess.

Thank you so much. I will check those now :)

You are welcome! :)

I do have an answer for you! In Australia the cropping belt has some pretty enormous areas. They use lasers to create gridlines and irrigation channels. These are not a recipe for absolute success as they have to keep readjusting to take account of the curvature of the earth's surface.
When the sun sets across the ocean, it has actually set when it first appears to have touched the horizon. This is due the bending of light as it passes at an acute angle around the world.
How do we know that the earth is not round but is an oblate spheroid?
Why are there tectonic plates and earthquakes?
The answers in the last two are in the question!
May I say, though, that many people do accept 'givens' as truths without independence of enquiry. 'How do we know?' is a good question. Even Hitler got this as he demonised the Jews out of convenience with no rationale. Everyone just fell into line.

Thanks for this. Do you happen to have a link to an article which refers to this readjustment of laser readings to take curvature into account? Would love to read more about that. And yes, it is incredible how many people believe something simply because it's what they have been told, without doing any research of their own.

I just happen to know because I have seen it being done. Cotton farmers have a particularly tricky time because of their reliance upon irrigation channels. Anyway, I shall see what I can muster in terms of extant evidence. I do see your need!

Thanks Ed. Appreciate that! Am currently being attacked on FB for reposting this there. And (almost) everyone is completely missing the point. I just want answers to some of my questions in order that I might have my faith in a globe earth re-affirmed! [see para about curvature]

Why is this:
• For an observer standing on the ground with h = 1.70 metres (5 ft 7 in), the horizon is at a distance of 4.7 kilometres (2.9 mi).
• For an observer standing on the ground with h = 2 metres (6 ft 7 in), the horizon is at a distance of 5 kilometres (3.1 mi).
• For an observer standing on a hill or tower of 100 metres (330 ft) in height, the horizon is at a distance of 36 kilometres (22 mi).
• For an observer standing at the top of the Burj Khalifa (828 metres (2,717 ft) in height), the horizon is at a distance of 103 kilometres (64 mi).
• For an observer atop Mount Everest (8,848 metres (29,029 ft) in altitude), the horizon is at a distance of 336 kilometres (209 mi).
By the way, normally I am terribly intolerant of the FE soc. Increasingly I am intolerant of acceptance of 'spoken' as being truth. I have just seen a post about how to work out how much change to give on an $8 sale when the customer gives you $20. I replied ... I am not sure whether the idiot will accept a compliment or blush.
The problem is that his post about shit has earned $0.34, 34cents more than mine about the battle for truth in Syria and the attitude of the likes of CNN. At least he would know how much change to give me if I paid a dollar for it!

Awesome. Thank you Ed for providing all this info for me. I will take my time over it when I don't have a baby pulling at my leg! ;)

Interesting post I sent this link to a friend of mine. He can talk for hours about this,
He doesn't believe its flat though, Peace

I also do not believe the earth is flat. And like your friend, I too could talk about it for hours and hours. Just finding the right people to talk to is the problem. Many people become very aggressive when I even suggest the idea. Peace :)

haha yes people can be emotional for nothing . Keep on steeming my friend

I'm getting really bored of seeing this brought up so often.

Perhaps you could answer some of my question then, and I won't need to bring it up again?

I appreciate you trying to help me here, but this video confirms only that they are using a wide angle lens which creates the appearance of curvature if the horizon line is on the edge of the frame. As a film-maker I know this very well. If the horizon line is in the centre of the frame, only then can you accurately see if there is curvature. But this video, like ALL space videos does not show the horizon line in the middle of the frame.

Uh huh, sure. I apologize I just can't muster enthusiasm to discuss this topic anymore. The earth is a globe shaped thing, all data supports that. I have yet to see a single convincing argument to the contrary that is grounded in reality.

A wide angled lens when capturing the spherical earth would also show curvature. There is no image of the earth with out curvature, weather baloon images of the planet exhibit a shape that is consistent with a sphere the size of our planet and can be modeled. The whole thing is just a snooze fest for me.

Not sure what you mean by that? 14mm lenses create distortion at the edges.

All data supported Einstein's theory that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, until quantum physics proved otherwise. All the best to you my friend :)

also in that sun picture you would always be able to see it

"Where are the unphotoshopped images of our planet and satelites in space? Google 'planet earth from space' or 'satellite in space' and all you will find is clearly photoshopped images. Even NASA admit they photoshop all Earth & satellite pictures before letting us see them. But why can't we just see them as they are?"
They "admit" its false color

also they release all of them after a single day of taking them......

have fun photoshopping tens of thousands of pictures a day

you can just watch this live feed from the iss jesus christ its not that hard

also tides

Wow, you have spent a lot of time on this page now. I wonder if you put this much effort into persuading people you are right about other things?

Earthquakes can't happen if earth is flat