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RE: Mythbusting with metagenomics: How scientists disproved the common belief that urine is sterile

in #science7 years ago

@alexcaskie, I was more thinking of peer-reviewed scientific articles that use the scientific method to analyze this issue. The books you referred are difficult to take at face value because they are not peer reviewed and focus on anecdotal evidence rather than citing scientific sources or facts.

I will not accept the argument that modern science would ignore this issue. Most academic labs are not profit motivated and would fall over themselves trying to study something that really is as beneficial to health as these books claim. Are there any science papers that have looked into this?


Martha Christie references numerous scientific study, but acknowledges there is much about the healing characteristics urine which we don't know and likely wont ever be studied.
The honest reality is that commercial interests do indeed fund and guide western medicine, medical education and research.
Until the time when western society adopts a paradigm other than commercial gain then we wont be seeing Pfizer funding any studies on urine and it's multitude of practical applications. You don't need a masters degree in logic to see why.
If you make the small effort to step outside your cultural conditioning and make some empirical examinations of the subject the truth becomes self evident.
Then you begin to realize the depth of the stunning lies modern medicine and western culture feeds us.

Perhaps what disturbs many in the so called "scientific" arena is that urine is directly connected to the "magic" of life which science and religion have yet to truly account for.
The healing characteristics of urine, while empirically very real do indeed border on the magical.

The anecdotal accounts of healing in the John Armstrong might not hold much sway for the narrow western "science" perspective.
But the carnage and butchery of modern western medical practices should be very apparent to anyone paying attention.

I suppose we’ll have to agree to disagree here. A word of advice though. Don’t lecture a researcher about how research works. I’m not taking your arguments as seriously as I would because your descriptions of “western science” are very inaccurate.

Fair enough, you clearly have some skin in the game so your attitude is perfectly understandable.
My perspective is like someone telling you about bitcoin, which is totally revolutionary and is currently turning the financial world on it's heels.
Urine is similar in that personal knowledge of a freely available modality of healing and curing disease will turn the entire medical/pharmaceutical industry on it's heels.
There is very good reason for the research/medical community to dismiss urine therapy.
I have no skin in the game except my own. My personal experience is unequivocal for me.
It is entirely up to you to dismiss without investigation or be curious.
Accepting only establishment peer reviewed data about urine is like saying only Goldman Sachs, the Federal reserve and the IMF should be the only acceptable information about bitcoin.
Cheers A.