What I know In the cultivation of lobster there are some media that is often applied by the entrepreneurs of freshwater crayfish. But in general, freshwater crayfish according to the process in the cultivation can be divided into 2 intensive and intensive in the ground pool.
How to Extend.
Exstensif manner in use in freshwater crayfish cultivation in this pond is enough to put the sires on the pond at saaat pond drained.
If there is already a lobster size is up to commercial size then for sale later for the size that is still below the standard commercial size again to the pool.
Intensive way.
This method has advantages compared with the way of extensive lobster cultivation, which is the only difference is the first way simply by putting the Her breasts only into the pond.
For example, more and more market demand for this type of freshwater crayfish can be seen from the rampant variety of places to eat from the start in the five lesehan tents that much process seafood as its flagship menu.
Freshwater Crayfish or often called with Freshwater Crayfish including which is quite easy to be cultivated.Standart freshwater crayfish prices in the market is quite high ranging from 150-250 thousand rupiah / kg.Dengan applying good techniques and true cultivation of this certainly can Promising profits.