Secret writer, your life, as has evolved up to now, has made you who you are.
If you had a social life like most others, you wouldn't be able to self-develop to the degree that you have.
A day has only 24 hours. And how we spend it is different. You spent it in self-development, and continue to do so. There'll come a time when you'll use the advantage of this self-development that others don't have because they were partying or socializing. It's just the way finite time is. Each one invests somewhere and gets a certain reward. Your rewards will be unique, because you have a divergent path. And that will set you apart in areas that will boggle the mind of others.
It is as it should be. If you were to view yourself from a timeless state you would understand why every single step of your life was necessary to make you what you will become. And in that understanding, you would change nothing.