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RE: SECRET WRITER: Reply To "I Wish I'd Never Been Born"

in #secret-writer9 years ago (edited)

I don't understand how people can think this way. How you can be so self-centered... Saying things like "if people just understood my pain" is so ridiculous because there are a shitload of people who actually do, who even endure way more pain, also on a daily basis... I understand there are a lot of things that can go wrong in somebody's life, that can make you feel sad, unwanted or even totally insignificant but I can't understand people who want to kill themselves because of their self-pity... Those people should take a closer look at others, imagine how they go through life. They should reflect the problems they struggle with on other people and imagine how they would deal with them and vice versa. For me I have made up my mind already, never will I give up this tiny amount of time I have on this earth, it wouldn't matter how hurt I would be, how depressed I would be, how broken down,... because there is always someone who's had it worse and if they can handle it, I should as well. Enjoy life while you can, find what you like, what intrigues you, what makes you strife for more. And if you really don't have something like that, then use your life for someone else, make someone else happy, help people who are in need, help children who have nothing except the will to live. I would gladly give my life for something like that, instead of throwing this gift away just because my silly mind wants to poison my heart. Life is tough, it surely is, and it can hurt you so much at the most unexpected times, but never give up, keep on living for those who have gone already, those yet to come and those still here with you. Nobody should have suicide thoughts or thoughts about how they want to be dead... You will be, it's just a matter of time, don't try to drastically speed it up. Your time will come. But until then, make something of it, something good, so that when you're at the end, you can look back and laugh at that weak version of yourself who now has been strengthened with wisdom, knowledge and an appetite for life. I don't want to hurt or offend anyone with this, it's just a little bit of my thoughts about the subject. I imagine that I could talk longer about this, have deeper discussions about this , but I don't want to burden anyone here any further. Also sorry if my english is hard to read or pretty wrong in terms of grammar or structure, just trying my best. :D