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RE: SECRET WRITER: The Day I Made Love To Two Different Women

in #secret-writer9 years ago (edited)

I think this does need to be NSFW for sure. Very erotic though:) There is something a lot more powerful about sexual imagery in text vs regular porn. It is stimulating in a much deeper way. As a man I think we can appreciate both.

I am assuming this is two women though. I think if it was a man masturbating on the bus it would take on a whole different connotation which I find quite interesting both for societal and cultural reasons (as well as the practicality of it).

Great post.

Edit: Just to add I missed the key sentence that points out it IS a man. Wilful blindness I suppose from past experiences of the usual porn narrative.


I can assure you it is a man.

Really? Wow - how did he get away with that - I mean it is pretty hard for a man to do it without being seen or to hide it?

Seems I missed the sentence that made that clear lol! I think I was reading it with my own mental prejudices in action because of the way that porn is usually constructed.

yes, you are not used to real sex stories, only porn that is fabricated for the male fantasy. Most porn is as you know, not real. It doesn't fully show what is in a woman's mind. At least that's what I tend to suspect.

Also, I think people are not used to hearing erotic stories written by men. Most romance writers are women. This adds a very unique spin on the secrets. I learned a lot with this one too, and was unaware that men would be touching themselves while on the bus. That's pretty gutsy. While I have done that while driving in my car, I don't think I could relax enough to do it on a public bus. This says something about the carefree nature of the secret writer. Strange isn't it!

Yes. It's certainly true. It is very rare to read these kind of stories written by men - we are used only reading them from women. I think there is also an inherent bias that makes it more acceptable for women to write about things like this i.e. if a woman writes it is erotic and if a man writes it is considered "dirty" or unsavoury. I think this is a reflection of power structure in our mostly male-dominated societies. A woman writing about this is exhibiting sexual empowerment whilst a man is just doing what men do.

Also I think a man caught masturbating on a public bus would potentially get into a lot more trouble than a woman. For one thing it would be much harder to hide it (obviously) and the criminal connotations would due to the situation be more serious.

Wow, I think I can assure you that most men don't actually masturbate on the bus.
That's pretty hard to do unnoticed and things tend to get messy. Of course if the bus has a toilet, that's a whole different story haha. Question is, did the guy mean touch himself as actual masturbation, or did he just mean sort of playing with his dick, that would have made much more sense.

Once I add NSFW, it won't show up on the hot or trending pages right?

Not sure about that - would need one of the team to confirm. If that is the case it is a shame.

couldn't reply on your other thread but "I think this is a reflection of power structure in our mostly male-dominated societies." I believe you are correct. Here's something to consider, what are your thoughts?
I suspect that in male-dominated societies, males tend to hide their sexual nature and experiences as a protective measure. Women, however, are exploited mercilessly, in porn, in life, in business (the practice of sexual harrassment is still strong). Women are objectified, and they are assumed to be the sex kittens, the highly eroticized gender. In reality, however, I think the opposite may be true. I think men are by nature, made to be more ready for sex all the time. I'm not saying that all them have the same sex drive, but they tend to be more focused on sex. Think about a woman who is pregnant. Her mind is focused on creating a new life form. Men, I think, are still thinking about having more sex. I experienced this myself when I was pregnant. I was kind of appalled actually. (Here's a TMI moment: I continued having sex while I was pregnant but I couldn't get this thought out of my mind: I imagined his penis hitting the head of my baby.) It was a disturbing image that would not leave my mind. I felt like I did the wrong thing actually by having sex while being pregnant.

I don't know, I do find these stories written by men to be fascinating, and they definitely feel like an entirely new genre of writing that has never been seen before........exciting times for sure.

I definitely agree with you. There is stereotyping going on of both sexes but in different ways. So for example it is assumed men can't have any deeper level of sexuality than a purely biological drive, women can't be sexually predatory etc. etc.

Men do definitely think about sex a lot more in general due to high testosterone (and androgen levels) - your experiences in pregnancy might just give you a taste of this.

Sex during pregnancy is completely safe - there is no actual risk to the baby though. I think it is natural to think that you might do harm but medically speaking it does no harm and may have benefits.

Yes the stories are fascinating because we don't see the more intellectual side of male sexuality for reasons that have been mentioned. It is something much newer at least in our society.